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​​​​Involuntary Detention

Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5402 requires the DHCS (formerly the Department of Mental Health) to collect data on a quarterly basis from each county mental health program or facility on the number of involuntary detentions, the number of temporary and permanent conservatorships established, and the number of persons receiving outpatient services provided within a jail facility.

This website includes forms and instructions for reporting and recent annual data. Annual tables will be updated as counties and facilities submit complete reports.

​Forms and Instructions

Please submit all Quarterly Reports to the following address:   
​​Department of Health Care Services
Licensing and Certification Division
Mental Health Licensing Section, Licensing Branch 2
P.O. Box 997413, MS 2800
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413
Fax: (916) 324-0993

Annual Data

Last modified date: 12/16/2022 12:02 PM