APL 22-001
| 2022-2023 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Meds/834 Cutoff and Processing Schedule
| 01/11/2022
APL 22-002
| Alternative Format Selection for Members with Visual Impairments
| 03/14/2022
APL 22-003
| Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Responsibility to Provide Services to Members with Eating Disorders
| 03/17/2022
APL 22-004
| Strategic Approaches for Use By Managed Care Plans to Maximize Continuity of Coverage as Normal Eligibility and Enrollment Operations Resume
| 03/17/2022
Revised 8/12/2022
APL 22-005
| No Wrong Door for Mental Health Services Policy
| 03/30/2022
APL 22-006
| Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Responsibilities for Non-Specialty Mental Health Services (Supersedes APL 17-018)
| 04/08/2022
APL 22-007
| California Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program
| 05/05/2022
Revised 9/19/2022
APL 22-008
| Non-Emergency Medical and Non-Medical Transportation Services and Related Travel Expenses (Supersedes APL 17-010)
| 05/18/2022
APL 22-009
| COVID-19 Guidance for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans
| 06/13/2022
APL 22-010
| Cancer Biomarker Testing
| 06/22/2022
APL 22-011
| Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Family Planning Services (Supersedes APL 20-013)
| 06/23/2022
APL 22-012
| Governor’s Executive Order N-01-19, Regarding Transitioning Medi-Cal Pharmacy Benefits from Managed Care to Medi-Cal RX (Supersedes APL 20-020)
| 07/11/2022
Revised 12/30/2022
APL 22-013
| Provider Credentialing/Re-Credentialing and Screening/Enrollment (Supersedes APL 19-004)
| 07/19/2022
Revised 08/24/2022
APL 22-014
| Electronic Visit Verification Implementation Requirements
| 07/21/2022
APL 22-015
| Enforcement Actions: Administrative and Monetary Sanctions (Supersedes APL 18-003)
| 08/24/2022
APL 22-016
| Community Health Worker Services Benefit
| 09/02/2022
Revised 09/09/2022
APL 22-017
| Primary Care Provider Site Reviews: Facility Site Review and Medical Record Review (Supersedes APL 20-006)
| 09/22/2022
APL 22-018
| Skilled Nursing Facilities -- Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care
Superseded by 23-004
| 09/28/2022
Revised 12/27/2022
APL 22-019
| Proposition 56 Value-Based Payment Program Directed Payments (Supersedes APL 20-014)
| 10/10/2022
APL 22-020
| Community-Based Adult Services Emergency Remote Services (Supersedes APL 20-007) Reporting Template
| 10/21/2022
Revised 11/2/2022
APL 22-021
| Proposition 56 Behavioral Health Integration Incentive Program
| 10/26/2022
APL 22-022
| Abortion Services (Supersedes APL 15-020)
| 10/28/2022
APL 22-023
| Street Medicine Provider: Definitions and Participation in Managed Care
| 11/08/2022
APL 22-024
| Population Health Management Program Guide (Supersedes APLs 17-012 and 17-013)
| 11/28/2022
APL 22-025
| Responsibilities for Annual Cognitive Health Assessment for Eligible Members 65 Years of Age or Older
| 11/28/2022
APL 22-026
| Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule
| 11/29/2022
APL 22-027
| Cost Avoidance and Post-Payment Recovery for Other Health Coverage (Supersedes APL 21-002)
| 12/06/2022
APL 22-028
| Adult and Youth Screening and Transition of Care Tools for Medi-Cal Mental Health Services
| 12/27/2022
APL 22-029
| Dyadic Services and Family Therapy Benefit
| 12/27/2022
Revised 03/20/2023
APL 22-030
| Initial Health Appointment (Supersedes APL 13-017
and Policy Letters 13-001 and 08-003)
| 12/27/2022
APL 22-031
| Doula Services
| 12/27/2022
APL 22-032
| Continuity of care for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries who newly enroll in Medi-Cal Managed Care from Medi-Cal Fee-for-Service, and for Medi-Cal members who transition into a new Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan on or after January 1, 2023
| 12/27/2022