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​​​​​​Dental Data Reports

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General dental program activities and information are available in the Dental Managed Care or the Dental Fee-for-Service webpages.

CalAIM 1915(b) - Dental FFS and DMC Performance Reporting 

On December 29, 2022, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) Section 1915(b) Waiver, which seeks to transform and strengthen the Medi-Cal Program, including Dental Managed Care (DMC). As a component of the CalAIM 1915(b) Waiver Special Terms and Conditions (STCs), DHCS is required to monitor DMC performance in Annual Dental Visits, Preventive Dental Services, and Use of Sealants for children and adults. Specifically, STC C. Dental, #27 Plan Parity with FFS, requires each DMC plan to meet parity with the fee-for-service delivery system by December 31, 2022. Please refer to the DMC performance fact sheets shown below.

Assembly Bill 2207 Reporting

Assembly Bill (AB) 2207, signed by the Governor in 2016, builds on prior Medi-Cal dental data reporting requirements by adding performance measures for pediatric and adult dentistry. The legislation includes reporting requirements for utilization data on a “per-provider” basis, and annual preventive services by prevention, treatment, examination, and general anesthesia categories. The legislation aligns FFS and DMC annual and quarterly reporting requirements. Please refer to the ​AB 2207 Reporting Requirements for more information.

Accessing DHCS Data for Research and Public Health

The Accessing Protected DHCS Data for Research and Public Health webpage is the primary portal for requesting protected data from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for research and public health purposes.  Protected data refers to any data containing confidential information that otherwise would be unavailable to the public.  This website is not for requesting publicly available data.  

Medi-Cal Dental Complaints and Grievances Reports

California Health and Human Services Agency Open Data Portal

The Open Data Portal provides public access to non-confidential health and human services data. DHCS is actively adding data to the California Health and Human Services Agency (Cal​HHS) Open Data Portal and recently added Medi-Cal Dental Data to the Open Data Portal. Large data sets on the Open Data Portal can be sorted easily and are more readable than large PDFs.

Pediatric Sealants, Annual Dental Visits & Preventive Services Performance Measures for Calendar Years 2013-2016

Dental-Related Emergency Room Utilization Data (Calendar Years 2013-2015)

Last modified date: 3/14/2023 2:19 PM