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​​​Back to Medi-Cal Eligibility and Enrollment 

Welcome to the DHCS Consumer-Focused Stakeholder Workgroup (CFSW) webpage. The purpose of the CFSW is to provide stakeholders an opportunity to review and provide feedback on a variety of consumer messaging materials. The forum focuses on eligibility and enrollment related activities and strives to offer an open discussion on Medi-Cal policies and functionality. 

CFSW participants are advocates from the consumer protection community, representatives of provider associations and experts in the health care field. To learn more, please contact

For past meeting agendas, action items, or other materials please visit out CFSW meeting archive page.​​

Please submit any HPE inquiries to the DHCS also has an existing HPE email box that is on the DHCS HPE webpage.​

Submitting Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Cases for Research and Resolution

For advocates that need specific problem cases researched and resolved, please submit inquiries to the Medi-Cal Now Inbox at  Due to Federal and State privacy laws, DHCS cannot share the outcomes of these cases at the CFSW meetings.

DHCS Ad Hoc Data Request Process​

​Ad hoc data requests can be submitted through either the DHCS Public Records Portal​ or by sending written requests to:
Department of Health Care Services
Legal Services
ATTN: PRA Request
PO Box 997413, MS 0012
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413
For additional information about the PRA process, please refer to the DHCS PRA website.​

March 3​, 2023- CFSW Meeting Materials

You are invited to the Medi-Cal Consumer-Focused​ Stakeholder Workgroup

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
Conference Line: 1-279-895-6425
Phone Conference ID: ​376 233 49# ​
Location:  Microsoft Teams

CFSW Resources​​​​

  1. ABx1-1 Data and Reports
  2. Covered CA to Medi-Cal Transition
  3. DHCS ACWDL Quarterly Reports
  1. ​​​​Low Income Health Program (LIHP)
  2. Medi-Cal Applications & Renewals
  3. Single Streamlined Application
  4. ​​CMS PI Data Reporting
  5. SOC Data Request
  6. Medi-Cal and CalFresh Enrollment
  7. ​California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal​ (CalAIM)
  8. Medicare Buy-In Information
  9. Accelerated Enrollment ​

  10. DHCS Continuous Coverage Unwinding Data​

Last modified date: 3/23/2023 11:20 AM