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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​CalAIM Intermediate Care Facility For Developmentally​ Disabled Long-Term Care Carve-In

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Important Updates

ICF/DD LTC Carve-In Workgroup​

Welf​are and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 14184.201 requires DHCS and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to convene a workgroup to address the transition of Intermediate Care Facility for Developmentally Disabled (ICF/DD) services from the Medi-Cal fee-for-service delivery system to the Medi-Cal managed care delivery system. The goal of this effort is work towards a seamless transition for residents of ICF/DD homes to Medi-Cal managed care.  

DHCS and DDS established the ICF/DD Workgroup in March 2022 to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate and provide advisory feedback on DHCS' policy and operational efforts in carving in ICF/DD services into Medi-Cal managed care. Workgroup participants include representatives from Regional Centers, Managed Care Plans, ICF/DD homes and affiliated associations, consumer groups and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The ICF/DD Workgroup focuses on issues specific to Medi-Cal beneficiaries with developmental disabilities, and the homes and providers who serve these individuals.   ​​

ICF/DD Carve-in Guiding Principles

The transition of ICF/DD services from Medi-Cal FFS to Medi-Cal managed care should be seamless for members. This means no disruption in access to care or services, that managed care plans (MCPs) conduct timely review and authorization of services, as well as support the member's care planning. In addition, the existing infrastructure (e.g., Regional Centers, ICF/DD home model) for individuals with developmental disabilities will stay the same, which includes Lanterman Act protections and the roles and responsibilities of Regional Centers. 

DHCS intends to share drafts and obtain input from the Workgroup on the following deliverables:

  • Provider notifications
  • Medi-Cal beneficiary notifications
  • ICF/DD Promising Practices/FAQ document
  • All Plan Letter (APL) which serves as requirements to Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans (MCPs)
  • Standard Provider Contract Guidance

ICF/DD Upcoming Educational Webinars

To support stakeholder planning and implementation, DHCS will be hosting educational webinars on ICF/DD LTC Carve-In transition topics. Meeting materials will be made available here following each webinar. Additional details are forthcoming.

Key Documents​

DHCS will post key documents as they become available throughout the transition period.

Upcoming ICF/DD Workgroup Meetings

The ICF/DD Workgroup meetings will be open to the public. Presentations and discussion are welcome from all Workgroup members and all other attendees, including members of the public, will remain in listen-only mode using the links below. For any questions or comments, please email the ICF/DD Workgroup inbox at​​

ICF/DD Workgroup Meeting #6: March 22, 2022, 11am – 1pm

Meeting Registration​

Past ICF/DD Workgroup Meetings

ICF/DD Workgroup Meeting #​1: October 7, 2022

Presentation Slides

ICF/DD Workgroup Meeting #2: Novem​ber 4, 2022

Presentation Slides​

ICF/DD Workgroup Meeting #3: Decem​ber 16, 2022

Presentation Slides​​

ICF/DD Workgroup Meeting #4: January 2​0, 2023

Presentation Slides​

ICF/DD Workgroup Meeting #5: February 10, 2023

Presentation Slides​

Additional Resources

DHCS will post additional resources as they become available throughout the transition period. ​

Questions and Co​​mments

Contact DHCS with any questions or comments about the ICF/DD Carve-In Transition at  ​​​​​

Last modified date: 3/6/2023 8:19 AM