Coordinated Care Initiative and Cal MediConnect
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Are you a Cal MediConnect member? Learn more about the future of Cal MediConnect.
Passage of the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) in July 2012 marked an important step toward transforming California's Medi-Cal (Medicaid) care delivery system to better serve the state's low-income seniors and persons with disabilities. Building upon many years of stakeholder discussions, the CCI begins the process of integrating delivery of medical, behavioral, and long-term care services and provides a road map to integrate Medicare and Medi-Cal for beneficiaries of both programs, called “dual eligible" beneficiaries.
Created through a public process involving stakeholders and health care consumers, the CCI was enacted through
Senate Bill 1008 (Chapter 33, Statutes of 2012) and
Senate Bill 1036 (Chapter 45, Statutes of 2012).
The CCI was implemented in seven counties beginning in 2014. The seven counties are
Los Angeles,
San Bernardino,
San Diego,
San Mateo, and
Santa Clara.
Major Parts of the Coordinated Care Initiative
- Cal MediConnect: A voluntary health plan for dual eligible beneficiaries to receive coordinated medical, behavioral health, long-term institutional, and home-and community-based services through a single organized delivery system. Cal MediConnect combines both Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits with additional care coordination benefits.
- Managed Medi-Cal Long-Term Supports and Services (MLTSS): All Medi-Cal beneficiaries, including dual eligible beneficiaries, in CCI counties are required to join a Medi-Cal managed care health plan to receive their Medi-Cal benefits, including LTSS and Medicare wrap-around benefits.
What's New with Cal MediConnect
Under the
California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiative, starting on January 1, 2023, Cal MediConnect members will be transitioned to MMPs, or Medi-Medi Plans. MMPs is the California-specific program name for Exclusively Aligned Enrollment Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (EAE D-SNPs). Under exclusively aligned enrollment, beneficiaries can enroll in a D-SNP for Medicare benefits and in a Medi-Cal managed care plan for Medi-Cal benefits, which are both operated by the same parent organization for better care coordination and integration. DHCS will work with health plans, stakeholders, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to transition and expand integrated care statewide. This policy is intended to help meet the statewide goals of improved care integration and person-centered care, under both the CalAIM initiative and the California Master Plan for Aging.
DHCS is convening the monthly public CalAIM MLTSS & Duals Integration Workgroup to work with stakeholders to support this transition. Information on how to register for the CalAIM MLTSS & Duals Integration Stakeholder Workgroup, and background materials from previous workgroup meetings is available
Quarterly CCI Stakeholder Webinar
Registration links to upcoming CCI stakeholder webinars and information about past meetings can be found here.
General Information
How to Enroll – Shares basic information about how to enroll in Cal MediConnect.
Cal MediConnect Benefits and Services – Includes basic information about CMC’s benefits/services.
PACE – Includes brief background on the PACE program, a link to CalPACE, and four PACE FAQs.
Health Plan 101 – An explanation of different health plan components and a series of related questions and answers.
CCI Fact Sheets
- Resources for Beneficiaries
2. Resources for Providers
3. Resources for Advocates
4. Historical CCI Information
Background on the CCI – Contains brief background information on the CCI and five FAQs about the CCI
What is Cal MediConnect? – A brief overview of Cal MediConnect (CMC), including which benefits are coordinated and information about how to join.
Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) page –Includes brief information about MLTSS, a link to find an MLTSS plan, and three MLTSS FAQs.
CCI-HIV Fact Sheet (October 2015)
Coordinated Care Initiative: Executive Summary (Updated March 27, 2013)
CCI Population Chart: Updated table showing groups included in and excluded from the demonstration and mandatory Medi-Cal enrollment (March 27, 2013)
CCI Population Summary: (March 27, 2013) A summary of the participating populations
CCI Beneficiary Protections: (August 30, 2012) A summary of all the beneficiary protections included in the CCI.
CCI Legislative Reporting Requirements: (August 30, 2012) A summary of the legislative reporting requirements for the CCI.
CCI Stakeholder Engagement Requirements: (August, 30, 2012) Summary of stakeholder reconsultation requirements.
CCI Evaluation Strategy: (October 12, 2012) An overview of the evaluation and quality monitoring for the duals demonstration.
CCI's Commitment to Quality: (October 12, 2012) An overview of State efforts to advance high quality care delivery.
Cal MediConnect Rate Reports
Adopted Legislation
Earlier Versions of the Legislative Language
For more information about the Coordinated Care Initiative and Cal MediConnect, please visit the
Integrated Care for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries webpage.