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The Medi-Cal Eligibility Division (MCED) is responsible for the development, coordination, clarification, and implementation of Medi-Cal regulations, policy, and procedures to assure Medi-Cal eligibility is determined accurately and timely by the 58 county human services agencies.
MCED functions include:
Assisting Medi-Cal applicants/beneficiaries in obtaining benefits through the county and answering eligibility questions.
Overseeing the statewide application and eligibility functions of the
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program.
Enrolling qualified providers in the
Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women Program.
Reviewing and evaluating program eligibility requirements and assuring compliance with federal medicaid (Title XIX, Title XXI) regulations.
Reviewing proposed state hearing decisions concerning eligibility issues and providing recommendations of action to the Director.
Partnership with Counties & Stakeholders