Back to 1115 Waiver Renewal
Presentation Materials
Meeting #1 DHCS Presentation - Anastasia Dodson
Framework and Ideas for Consideration in 1115 Waiver, Sunita Mutha & Joanne Spetz - UCSF Center for Health Professions
Related Workforce Efforts and Issues for Consideration: OSHPD and CalSIM - Sergio Aguilar, OSHPD and Barbara Masters, CalSIM
Role of Workforce in Other States' 1115 Workforce, Sunita Mutha & Joanne Spetz - UCSF Center for Health Professions
Reading Materials
Healthcare Workforce Development Programs - OSHPD
2013-2015 Healthcare Workforce Development Work Plan - OSHPD
Community Health Workers
States Can Transform their Healthcare Workforce - ACGME
National Approaches to Whole Person Care in the Safety Net - John Snow, Inc., CAPH, SNI
Opportunities for Whole Person Care in California - John Snow, Inc., CAPH, SNI
Meeting Summary
1115 Waiver Workforce Strategies and Options
OSHPD Workforce Development Program Outcomes - Sergio Aguilar, OSHPD
California's 1115 Waiver Renewal: Demographics and Workforce Projections - Sunita Mutha and Janet Coffman, UCSF
California's 1115 Waiver Renewal: New York Waiver Workforce Ideas - Sunita Mutha and Janet Coffman, UCSF
California's 1115 Waiver Renewal: Evidence of Effectiveness - Sunita Mutha and Janet Coffman, UCSF
Reading Materials
MHSUDS Integration Task Force Meeting Summary
St. John's Enhanced Home Care Pilot Program - SEIU [External - Not DHCS]
Policy Evidence Assessment Report: Community Health Worker Policy Components - CDC [External - Not DHCS]
Certification of Consumer, Youth, Family, and Parent Providers: A Review of the Research - WWT [External - Not DHCS]
Primary Care Pipeline Objectives - CAPCI
CHW Best Practices and Cost Effectiveness Information: Safety Net Systems in Medicaid - WERC
Integrating Community Based Health Workers into Team Based Care - WERC
Min et al. (may require login/purchase) [External - Not DHCS]
Chinman et al. (may require login) [External - not DHCS]
Huffman et al. 2014 (may require login/purchase) [External - not DHCS]
Sandburg et al. 2014 - (may require login/purchase) [External - not DHCS]
CLTCEC Homecare Integration training Program (may require login) [External - not DHCS]
Meeting Summary
Presentation Materials
Meeting #3 DHCS Presentation - Efrat Eilat
Workforce Options - UCSF
Matrix of Workforce Strategies and Options - UCSF
Reading Materials
MHSUDS Integration Task Force Meeting Summary
Medicaid Payments and Access to Care - Sara Rosenbaum
Bringing Community Health Workers into the Mainstream of U.S. Health Care - Pittman, Sunderland, Broderick, and Barnett [External - Not DHCS]
IHSS Provider Voluntary Training Proposal Stakeholder Meeting