National Committee for Quality Assurance Accreditation Workgroup
DHCS conducts annual compliance reviews of all Medi-Cal managed care health plans (MCPs) but does not currently deem the results of the reviews to an accrediting entity, although federal regulations permit the state to do so.
Additionally, DHCS does not currently require Medi-Cal MCPs to be accredited by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Out of 26 MCPs in the state, 12 plans currently have NCQA accreditation, and four are pending an accreditation visit.
This workgroup will provide input on topics related to the standards and processes of requiring all MCPs to obtain NCQA accreditation, including consideration of the proposed accreditation requirements.
Workgroup Meetings
All workgroup meetings will be held in Sacramento at 1700 K Street in the First Floor Conference Room. Please arrive 10 minutes early to sign in at the front desk.
Public Participation
The public is welcome to attend all meetings by phone or in-person. A public call-in option will be active for all workgroup meetings.
Note: In-person space is limited and will be allocated on a first come-first serve basis. Members of the public who call in will be placed in listen-only mode. If you wish to participate by phone, please register using the links below (the webinar will be used for telephonic purposes only). After registration, you will receive an email confirmation with your unique dial-in and access code. California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) workgroups will not be recorded.
Meeting Schedule
- Tuesday, January 21, 2020
- Friday, February 21, 2020
Contact Us
For any questions or concerns about this workgroup, please contact>.
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