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​Stakeholder Meetings and Webinars

Back to June 2022 Stakeholder Communications Update

Behavioral Health Stakeholder Advisory Committee (BH-SAC) and Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) Meetings

On July 21, DHCS will host the next BH-SAC and SAC meetings. These meetings are expected to be held in a hybrid format; attendees can participate in person or virtually. Meeting materials for the SAC and BH-SAC meetings will be posted on the DHCS website closer to the meeting date. Please email your questions to or

CalAIM Community Supports Spotlight Series

On May 18, DHCS hosted the first public webinar in the CalAIM Community Supports Spotlight series. The goal of this new series of presentations is to review and reinforce policy guidance on individual Community Supports, identify and amplify best practices and lessons learned from MCPs and community providers, and answer emerging questions from the field. Agenda items for the first presentation included an explanation of CalAIM Community Supports and specific information on Medically-Tailored Meals, including cost-effectiveness, eligibility requirements, program impact, and best practices from the field. Additional information about upcoming Spotlight Series webinars will be posted on the CalAIM webpage.

CalAIM Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) and Duals Integration Workgroup Meeting

On June 23, DHCS will hold the next CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Integration Workgroup meeting via webinar. This meeting will allow stakeholders to provide feedback and share information about policy, operations, and strategy for CalAIM initiatives around MLTSS for all Medi-Cal beneficiaries, and integrated care for dual eligible beneficiaries.  Workgroup discussion topics include the transition of Cal MediConnect to Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans, Enhanced Care Management for dual eligible beneficiaries and other populations using MLTSS, the Long-Term Care managed care carve-in, and related topics. Background materials, transcripts, and video recordings of the previous workgroup meetings, along with additional information about the workgroup, are posted on the CalAIM MLTSS webpage

Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) Meeting Updates

DHCS reviewed applications and selected members in April for the following two CYBHI Think Tanks: Behavioral Health Virtual Services and E-Consult Platform and Scaling of Evidence-Based Interventions (EBI) and Community-Defined Practices (CDP). Think Tank members are leading experts from academia, government, and industry, as well as youth and relevant community members. Think Tank member biographies are posted on the CYBHI webpage. Each Think Tank is designed so members can provide feedback and shape the development of DHCS' CYBHI programs through immersive workshops, design-thinking sessions, and other methods for multi-disciplinary engagement. Kick-off sessions for both Think Tanks occurred in April; additional working sessions were held in May and will continue through July. DHCS will share learnings from these Think Tank sessions during monthly public webinars.

On April 19, DHCS released an “Invitation to Apply", with applications due on May 4 for a separate stakeholder workgroup to inform DHCS' selection of EBIs and CDPs to scale statewide. As part of DHCS' stakeholder engagement strategy for CYBHI, the CYBHI EBI/CDP workgroup will engage leading experts in an interdisciplinary setting to ensure diverse representation and to promote meaningful development and refinement of program design, including recommending practices and implementation strategies. The workgroup will meet on June 9, June 27, and July 21. These meetings are open to the public, who are invited to share feedback in writing by emailing Information about this workgroup will be posted on the CYBHI webpage.  

On May 9, DHCS hosted the first of a monthly public webinar series. This monthly public webinar series will keep stakeholders apprised of DHCS' progress in implementing various work streams for the CYBHI. Future public webinars will be held in June and July.

DHCS hosted several statewide Listening Tours in April and May to inform DHCS' school-linked behavioral health services work streams. On June 7, DHCS is hosting a statewide listening session to inform DHCS' school-linked work streams. Listening tours will continue through July.

More information about DHCS' stakeholder engagement efforts is available on the CYBHI webpage.

Community Health Workers (CHW) Stakeholder Workgroup Update

On April 29, DHCS submitted SPA 22-0001 to CMS after reviewing and incorporating stakeholder feedback. The CHW benefit is scheduled to start on July 1. More information about the CHW benefit and previous stakeholder meetings is available on the CHW webpage.

Doula Services Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting

DHCS is convening stakeholders on a monthly basis to provide updates on the SPA implementing doula services and to receive feedback on the SPA prior to formal submission this fall. The doula benefit is scheduled to start on January 1, 2023. DHCS informally submitted the SPA to CMS in May to receive technical assistance. DHCS also held stakeholder workgroup meetings in May to discuss the reimbursement policy for doula services and obtain feedback on the draft SPA. Details about prior and future stakeholder meetings and information about the doula benefit is available on the doula services webpage.

ECM Webinars

In June, DHCS will host three ECM public webinars on (1) Operationalizing WPC Management, (2) ECM Policy Updates and New POFs, and (3) the Relationship between ECM and Community Supports. For more details and to register for these webinars, please visit the ECM and Community Supports webpage.

Managed Care Advisory Group (MCAG) Meeting

On June 9, DHCS will host the next MCAG meeting via webinar. The purpose of the MCAG is to facilitate communication between Medi-Cal managed care program and all interested parties and stakeholders. Meeting materials will be posted on the MCAG webpage closer to the meeting date. The MCAG is open to the public. Please email with any questions.

Medi-Cal Children's Health Advisory Panel (MCHAP) Meeting

On July 14, DHCS will host the next MCHAP meeting. This meeting is expected to be held in a hybrid format; attendees can participate in person or virtually. The MCHAP is a 15-member independent statewide advisory body that advises DHCS on matters relevant to children enrolled in Medi-Cal. Meeting materials will be posted on the MCHAP webpage closer to the meeting date. Please email with any questions.

Medi-Cal Consumer-Focused Stakeholder Workgroup (CFSW) Meeting

On June 3, DHCS hosted the CFSW meeting via webinar. Additional information about the workgroup is available on the CFSW webpage.

PHM Advisory Group Meeting

On July 27, DHCS will host the next PHM Advisory Group meeting via webinar. The registration link will be available on the PHM webpage. The final PHM Strategy and Roadmap document will be published on the PHM webpage this summer. DHCS also issued an Invitation for Proposal for the PHM Service on May 9 and anticipates awarding a contract to the selected vendor by this summer.

Public Hearing on Regulatory Provider Bulletin – “Medi-Cal Benefit Added: Non-Medical Transportation"

On June 9, DHCS will hold a public hearing by webinar to discuss the regulatory provider bulletin, “Medi-Cal Benefit Updated: Non-Medical Transportation." It will update the requirements and procedures for non-medical transportation providers that operate as transportation network companies (TNC) to enroll in the Medi-Cal program. The bulletin outlines the updated reporting requirements and procedures for the enrollment of TNCs. Based on public comments received, DHCS will publish the final bulletin on the Medi-Cal and DHCS websites. The changes will become effective 30 days after publication.

Tribal and Indian Health Program Representatives Meeting 

On May 23, DHCS hosted the quarterly Tribal and Indian Health Program representatives' virtual meeting. The meeting included updates on the Governor's FY 2022-23 May Revision as well as discussion on DHCS programs and initiatives of interest to Tribal partners. The next meeting will be held in August. The invitation and webinar registration information will be posted on the Indian Health Program webpage when they become available.

Last modified date: 6/7/2022 10:21 AM