2022 Pending State Plan Amendments
Back to Pending State Plan Amendments by YearThe following are links to State Plan Amendments (SPAs) that were submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for review and are currently pending approval. These SPAs have been submitted, but not yet approved. The final versions may be subject to significant change.
22-0007 Requesting approval of the applications used to apply for insurance affordability programs as part of the single streamlined application (SSApp) requirements.
22-0012 Proposes to continue and amend rate setting methodology for Skilled Nursing Facility (Level-B) and Freestanding Adult Subacute facilities.
- 22-0014 Proposes for definition expansion of a health care "visit" at Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, and Tribal Health Programs and reimbursement authorization for brief virtual communications.
- 22-0019 Proposes to add community health workers (CHW) services, asthma preventive services, and routine costs for clinical trials to the Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP).
- 22-0023 Proposes to implement many specialty mental health updates to the State Plan.
- 22-0036 Proposes to sunset the CHDP Gateway Program in order to have all Medi-Cal providers offer children’s presumptive eligibility.
- 22-0043 Proposes to add qualifying community-based Mobile Crisis Intervention Services.
- 22-0048 Proposes to make various flexibilities under the Public Health Emergency (PHE) permanent, as well as adding additional services, and a new provider type.
- 22-0051 Proposes to add doula services and for FQHCs and RHCs, associate marriage and family therapist services and associate clinical social worker services, to the ABP.
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Publicinput@dhcs.ca.gov. In your email, please include the SPA number in your question.