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​​​​​​Application Process F​AQs
Clinic Workforce Stabilization Retention Payments (CWSRP)

1. What is the proc​ess for qualifi​​​ed clinics to request funds for employee retention payments?

There is a two-step process for requesting funds. First, qualified clinics must register with Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)​. Once registered, qualified clinics will receive additional information on the application process. Additional information on both processes will be published in the coming weeks.​

2. How do I submit my emplo​yee's information? What information can be prepared ahead of time to make the application proc​ess go more smoothly? (updated as of 12/9/2022)

DHCS has posted registration guidance on the CWSRP webpage. Application guidance and a video tutorial will be posted on or before December 29. DHCS recommends that qualified clinic employers begin gathering the following information: employee name, last four digits of employee's Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, employee mailing address, and employee's professional license/certificate or registration number, where applicable.

As DHCS finalizes a system for application and data submission, guidance and updates will be provided through various channels, including:

​​3. Do we submit one registration and application per health center regardless of the number of sites? 

If you are part of a large health system, you can register just once using information from your largest clinic or organization, as long as the system entity qualifies and is the employer of all system-wide employees.​​​​​

4. Will employee information included in the application be shared with anyone? ​​​​(new as of 1/20/2023)

Employee names and information are collected solely for determining eligibility for retention payments, and to ensure no duplicate payments are made. State laws protect the privacy of private employee information, which will not be shared with anyone for purposes other than validation, nor posted on the DHCS CWSRP webpage or shared outside of DHCS with any other organizations.​

​​5. As an employee, what if I am uncomfortable with submitting my personal information with the application, including my address and refuse to provide? (new as of 1/20/2023)

Unfortunately, not providing the required employee validation information within the application submission would leave the employee ineligible to receive a retention payment, as DHCS would not be able to validate eligibility or ensure duplicate payments are not made.  ​

Last modified date: 1/20/2023 9:06 AM