Budget Information
2023-24 Budget Act
The budget for DHCS supports vital services that reinforce the state’s commitment to preserve and improve the overall health and well-being of all Californians while operating within a responsible budgetary structure. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24, the Governor’s Budget proposes a total of $144.4 billion, and 4,772 positions for the support of DHCS programs and services. The budget includes resources for the Adult Expansion ages 26-49, Behavioral Health Community-Based Continuum waiver, further enhancements to CalAIM including the addition of transitional rent, strengthening oversight for substance use disorder licensing and certification, and additional funding to the Naloxone Distribution program to respond to the increase in opioid-related overdose in California.
Governor's Budget Documents FY 2023-24
Proposed Trailer Bill Legislation – Fact Sheets