Local Assistance Estimates
Local Assistance Estimates are prepared by the California Department of Health Care Services, Fiscal Forecasting Division.
About Local Assistance Estimates
Expenditure forecasts are prepared by the Fiscal Forecasting Division. The major responsibility of the Division is the preparation and presentation of two Local Assistance Estimates, Medi-Cal and Family Health each year (sent to the legislature on or about January 10th and May 15th). These Estimates provide information on costs for the current and upcoming Fiscal Years (FY). Preparation includes the compilation and fiscal analysis of data for all policy changes, analysis and projection of cost, eligible, and user trends, and the final compilation of an extensive estimate package providing numerous tables and comparisons to highlight the basic components of costs in the programs and point out any significant changes. Development of the Estimates involve extensive consultation with Departmental program staff, coordination with other departments, constant coordination with the Department of Finance, liaison with the Legislative Analyst's Office, and several briefings of Department management and the Health and Welfare Agency.
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For questions related to the Medi-Cal or Family Health Local Assistance estimates, please contact the Department of Health Care Services, Fiscal Forecasting Division,
DHCS Local Assistance Estimates at: FFDEstimates@dhcs.ca.gov.