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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project Partners

​​This section is for project partners.

Navigators Project Homepage​
​Stakeholder and Advocate Section​

​​Individual Partner Information

​​​SB 154 Funding Awards
SB 154 Subcontractors and Local CBO Assistance​
SB 154 Project Partner Summary​​

​Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and Presentations

​Agenda Link
Minutes Link
​November 17, 2022
​November Meeting Agenda​
​November Meeting Minutes​
December 15, 2022  

​January 19, 2023    
​February 16, 2023 
​March 16, 2023 
​April 20, 2023    
​May 18, 2023
​June 15, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The following prompts have been compiled from a list of frequent questions posed by interested/participating counties and community-based organizations (CBOs). As new and recurring questions are posed, DHCS will update this section with the question and a broad response that is intended to be applicable to most counties and/or CBOs.

​Who do I contact regarding questions and inquires about this project?

All questions and inquiries should be sent to the Health Navigators Inbox: . Each county and CBO that receives an allocation agreement (funding award) will have an assigned analyst that can provide regular assistance.   ​

What is the duration of this project? ​

​Funds were made available on July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026.

​How are funds allocated? 

​DHCS takes a holistic approach and proposed outreach efforts are assessed to ensure the proposed funding is reasonable. 

​​What documents need to be submitted in order to receive funding for this project?

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents to be considered:

  • ​DHCS Health Navigators Survey (via Survey Monkey)
  • Introduction Letter: Goals and Objectives
  • Budget Plan
  • Work Plan
  • Organizational Chart

​​When can my county or organization begin implementing this project?

​Once the county or CBO signs and returns the Allocation Agreement to DHCS, DHCS will review and countersign the Allocation Agreement, at which time the agreement will be in effect and Project activities can commence. DHCS will send an electronic copy of the counter-signed executed Allocation Agreement to the county or CBO.​

Can participating counties work with CBO's on this project?

​Yes. DHCS high encourages counties to partner with CBOs.

What documents need to be submitted quarterly to DHCS?

Participants need to submit Attachment 3: The Quarterly Invoice and Attachment 5: The Quarterly Progress Report. Partners should refer to Bulletins 2020-003 and 2022-005 for specifics on submission of monthly deliverables.​

​​When do I submit my reporting documents to DHCS?

Partners should refer to Bulletin 2022-005: Health Navigators Project Deliverables SFYs 2022-2026 for project deliverables ​

Once our county or organization executes the Allocation Agreement, can we email the agreement back to DHCS?

​Partners can send the signed Allocation Agreement electronically to DHCS for a DHCS countersignature. If a wet ink signatures is required as part of your processes, please notify the project team immediately. 

How can I receive​ information about the impact of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) for this project?

DHCS encourages all partners to become a DHCS Coverage Ambassador and join the DHCS coverage Ambassador mailing list to receive updated information and toolkits as they become available​. 

Last modified date: 3/17/2023 3:52 PM