Medi-Cal Health Enrollment Navigators Project
Stakeholder and Advocate Communication Section | Project Partners Section | Announcements/Communication Section
Effective 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2026
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), received an additional $60 Million via Senate Bill (SB) 154 to continue to support activities associated with Assembly Bill (AB) 74 Health Enrollment Navigators Project over four state fiscal years to provide funding to counties and community-based organizations (CBOs) to serve hard-to-reach potentially eligible Medi-Cal populations. These county and CBO groups will perform the following activities to reach vulnerable populations. The outcomes of these activities should be tracked and reported as part of the data points reporting requirements.
- Outreach (Direct)
- Outreach (Electronic and Print Media)
- Application Assistance
- Enrollment
- Assistance with Accessing and Utilizing Health Care Services
- Assistance with Troubleshooting
- Retention
- Assistance with Redeterminations
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has identified (12) priority target populations to focus health navigation efforts (which includes, but is not limited to):
- Persons with mental health disorder needs
- Persons with substance use disorder needs
- Persons with other disabilities
- Aged persons
- Persons who are homeless
- Young people of color
- Immigrants and families of mixed immigration status
- Persons with limited English proficiency
- Low-wage workers and their families or dependents
- Uninsured children and youth formerly enrolled in Medi-Cal
- Persons who are in county jail or state prison, on state parole, on county probation, or under post release community supervision
- Populations affected by the Medi-Cal eligibility expansions
DHCS is responsible for the Project's implementation including program design, funding allocations, data collection, and reporting requirements. DHCS will work closely with counties and CBO's to enhance DHCS' efforts to achieve a successful implementation in reaching out to California residents who are potentially eligible or eligible for Medi-Cal but are not currently enrolled.
Other Program Information
These are some testimonials from individuals assisted through project effort.
"I had to have emergency surgery and was granted hospital presumptive eligibility. I am also on dialysis and have been figuring out how to pay for it out of pocket. Family members helped me, but I can no longer work due to my condition. I was starting to worry about how to continue my treatment. Thankfully, I was able to get full Medi-Cal benefits. Now a huge weight has been lifted and I can continue my treatment." - Juan S.
"I am diabetic and have to pay for insulin out of pocket. I was also recently temporarily laid off, cannot afford private insurance, and do not qualify for Covered California insurance. Now with the Medi-Cal expansion for older Californians, I qualify for full coverage and can get my insulin." - Maria E.
"I am currently receiving radiation treatment for cancer, but I cannot afford to pay my medical bills, and I have surgery scheduled for December. Catholic Charities, a Health Enrollment Navigator, assisted me with submitting a new Med-Cal application due to the full scope Medi-Cal expansion for older people. I qualified and I am so thankful for this new coverage." - Maricela
"I needed health coverage and was referred to the Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) for support in my own language. I had a number of medical bills due and was diagnosed with diabetes. MICOP assisted me with submitting my bills to my Medi-Cal health plan, and Medi-Cal covered about $15,000 in medical expenses. I'm very happy with my Medi-Cal coverage and am spreading the word to other community members." - Maria
"I cannot read or write, and visited Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) to request Medi-Cal information. I was uninsured and unemployed, and MICOP helped me apply for Medi-Cal. Thanks to full scope benefits for older people, I was able to have surgery and receive other needed medical treatment." - Francisca
The California Department of Health Care Services is conducting a statewide public information, education, and outreach communications campaign to raise awareness about the upcoming Medi-Cal renewal process and to encourage Medi-Cal members to take steps to keep their coverage. As part of this campaign, DHCS will provide customizable materials, including flyers, one-page fact sheets, social media posts, sample messaging, and infographics, for ambassadors and other partners to use. These materials will be translated into English and Spanish as well as 17 additional languages. Partners will be able to customize resources to fit their needs, and then share messaging through their own channels. The first set of materials are posted on the campaign resources webpage. These resources are currently available in English and Spanish and will be available in more languages in the next few weeks.
State Resources
- There is a new opportunity to assist Older Californians with Medi-Cal outreach and enrollment. The Budget Act of 2021 authorized DHCS to implement a Medi-Cal eligibility and enrollment program to serve the Medi-Cal population of Californians age 50 and over. For more information about the program, use the following link: Medi-Cal Outreach and Enrollment for Older Californians.