Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program
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Medi-Cal Managed Care
As a means of addressing social determinants of health and health disparities, Medi-Cal managed care plans would be able to earn incentive funds for making investments and progress in addressing homelessness and keeping people housed. Managed care plans and the local homeless Continuum of Care, in partnership with local public health jurisdictions, county behavioral health, Public Hospitals, county social services, and local housing departments must submit a Homelessness Plan to DHCS.
The homelessness plan must outline how Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program services and supports would be integrated into the homeless system. This would include a housing and services gaps/needs assessment and how these funds would prioritize aging and disabled homeless Californians (including those with a behavioral health disability). Plans should build off of existing local HUD or other homeless plans and be designed to address unmet needs.
In counties with more than one managed care plan, plans would need to work together to submit one plan per county. The Homelessness Plans must include mapping the continuum of services with focus on homelessness prevention, interim housing (particularly for the aging and/or disabled population), rapid re-housing (families and youth), and permanent supportive housing.