HIPAA 5010 - Other Resources
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CMS: Electronic Billing and EDI Transactions
Downloads: Crosswalks between 4010 and 5010
CMS is making the side-by-side comparison documents available to interested parties without guarantee and without cost. The documents are available for download in both Microsoft Excel and PDF formats. The comparisons were performed for Medicare Fee-for-Service business use and while they may serve other uses, CMS does not offer to maintain for purposes other than Medicare Fee-for-Service. Maintenance will be performed without notification, as needed to support Medicare Fee-for-Service.
Version 5010: D.O & 3.0 National Calls
Throughout the implementation of Version 5010, CMS has hosted a variety of national education calls that informed the provider community of the steps that they need to take in order to be ready for implementation. These calls also gave participants an opportunity to ask questions of CMS subject matter experts.
CMS.gov - 5010 National Calls
ASCX12: WEDI - Document Information for 5010; Links for ordering/purchasing the Implementation Guide
Links to Other DHCS Pages