MHSA Components
MHSA funding has five components:
- Community Services and Support (CSS)
- Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)
- Innovation (INN)
- Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN)
- Workforce Education and Training (WET)
Community Services and Support (CSS)
The CSS component is the largest of all five MHSA components. Funding is used to provide direct services to adults and older adults with serious mental illness and children and youth with serious emotional disturbance who meet the criteria set forth in Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I Code) section 5600.3.
The CSS component has the following service categories:
Full Service Partnership (FSP) Services
Outreach and Engagement (O&E) Services
General System Development (GSD)
CSS also helps counties leverage housing funds in local partnerships to build and renovate housing units for individuals with serious mental illness who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
W&I Code | 5600.3 General Provisions
5800 Adult and Older Adult Mental Health System of Care Act
5813.5 Financial Participation
5845 Oversight And Accountability
5846 Oversight And Accountability
5847 Oversight And Accountability; Integrated Plans for Prevention, Innovation, and System of Care Services
5850 The Children's Mental Health Services Act
5891 Mental Health Services Fund
5892 Mental Health Services Fund
5892.5 Mental Health Services Fund
5898 Mental Health Services Fund |
Title 9 CCR | 3200.079 Community Services and Supports Account or CSS Account
3200.080 Community Services and Supports Component or CSS Component
3200.130 Full Service Partnership
3200.140 Full Service Partnership Service Category
3200.150 Full Spectrum of Community Services
3200.160 Fully Served
3200.170 General System Development Service Category
3200.240 Outreach and Engagement Service Category
3610 General Community Services and Supports Requirements
3615 Community Services and Supports Service Categories
3620 Full Service Partnership Service Category
3620.05 Criteria for Full Service Partnerships Service Category
3620.10 Full Service Partnership Data Collection Requirements
3630 General System Development Service Category
3630.05 Project-Based Housing Program
3630.10 Requirements for a Project-Based Housing Program
3630.15 Capitalized Operating Subsidy Reserve
3640 Outreach and Engagement
3650 Community Services and Supports Component of the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan |
Information Notices | 16-034 Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Use of Funds for Crisis Services |
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)
The PEI component funds programs designed to prevent mental illnesses from becoming severe and disabling, with an emphasis on improving timely access to services for underserved.
W&I Code |
5840 Prevention and Early Intervention Programs
5840.5 Prevention and Early Intervention Program Planning
5845 Oversight and Accountability
5846 Oversight and Accountability
5847 Oversight and Accountability
5890 Mental Health Services Fund
5892 Mental Health Services Fund
5898 Mental Health Services Fund |
Title 9 CCR |
3200.244 Prevention and Early Intervention Account" or “PEI Account
3200.245 Prevention and Early Intervention Component
3200.246 Prevention and Early Intervention Funds
3700 Rule of General Application
3701 Definitions
3705 Prevention and Early Intervention Component General Requirements
3706 General Requirements for Services
3710 Early Intervention Program
3715 Outreach for Increasing Recognition of Early Signs of Mental Illness
3720 Prevention Program
3725 Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Program
3726 Access and Linkage to Treatment Program
3730 Suicide Prevention Programs
3735 Prevention and Early Intervention Strategies
3740 Effective Methods
3745 Changed Program
3750 Prevention and Early Intervention Component Evaluation
3755 Prevention and Early Intervention Component of the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan and Annual Update
3755.010 Prevention and Early Intervention Program Change Report
Historical Information Notices |
08-37 Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Funds for Training, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Statewide Projects
08-36 Mental Health Services Act Planning Estimates for Fiscal Year 2009/10
08-27 Increased Level of Funding for Community Program Planning Activities and Funding Augmentation to the MHSA PEI Planning Estimates (FY 2008-09)
08-23 PEI Projects - Change in Designation of "Alternate Programs," Clarification of "Underserved Cultural Populations" as a Priority Population, and Modification of Timeline for Transferring a CSS Program to PEI
07-19 MHSA PEI Component — Proposed Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan Guidelines, FYs 2007-08 and 2008-09
07-19 Enclosure 1- Proposed Guidelines PEI Component of the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan
07-19 Enclosure 5- MHSA and PEI Planning Estimates FY 2007-08 and 2008-09
07-17 County Funding Request for MHSA PEI - Community Program Planning Funds |
Innovation (INN)
The INN component funds projects designed to test time-limited new or changing mental health practices that have not yet been demonstrated as effective. The purpose of the INN component is to infuse new, effective mental health approaches into the mental health system, both for the originating county and throughout California. These projects may focus on increasing access to underserved groups, increasing the quality of services including measurable outcomes, promoting interagency and community collaboration, or increasing access to mental health services. AB 1467, chaptered in June 2012, reinstated the MHSOAC's authority to approve county Innovation plans.
W&I Code |
5830 Innovative programs
5846 Oversight and Accountability
5892(h) Mental Health Services Fund |
Title 9 CCR |
3200.181 Innovation Account or INN Account
3200.182 Innovation Component
3200.183 Innovation Funds
3200.184 Innovative Project
3900 Rule of General Application
3905 Required Approval
3910 Innovative Project General Requirements
3910.010 Time-Limited Pilot Project
3910.015 Continuation of an Innovative Project
3910.020 Early Termination of an Innovative Project
3915 Innovative Project Evaluation
3925 Changed Innovative Project
3930 Innovation Component of the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan and Annual Update
3935 Innovative Project Change Request |
Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN)
The CFTN component funds projects designed to enhance the infrastructure needed to support the behavioral health system, which includes improving or replacing existing technology systems and/or developing capital facilities to meet increased needs of the local mental health system.
W&I Code |
5845 Oversight And Accountability
5846 Oversight And Accountability
5847 Oversight And Accountability; Integrated Plans for Prevention, Innovation, and System of Care Services.
5892 Mental Health Services Fund
5898 Mental Health Services Fund |
Title 9 CCR |
3200.022 Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN)
3200.025 Capital Facilities and Technological Needs Account or CFTN Account |
Workforce Education and Training (WET)
The WET component funds are used to fund programs designed to enhance the public mental health workforce.
W&I Code |
5820 Human Resources, Education, and Training Programs
5821 Human Resources, Education, and Training Programs
5822 Human Resources, Education, and Training Programs
5847 Oversight And Accountability; Integrated Plans for Prevention, Innovation, and System of Care Services
5892 Mental Health Services Fund
5898 Mental Health Services Fund |
Title 9 CCR |
3200.320 Workforce Education and Training
3200.323 Workforce Education and Training Account or WET Account
3200.325 Workforce Staffing Support Funding Category
3810 General Workforce Education and Training Requirements
3820 Workforce Education and Training Component of the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan
3830 Workforce Needs Assessment
3840 Workforce Education and Training Funding Categories
3841 Training and Technical Assistance Funding Category
3842 Mental Health Career Pathway Programs Funding Category
3843 Residency and Internship Programs Funding Category
3844 Financial Incentive Programs Funding Category
3844.1 Stipends
3845 Workforce Staffing Support Funding Category
3850 Mental Health Loan Assumption Program
3851 Terms of Mental Health Loan Assumption
3851.1 Eligible Educational Loans
3852 Selection Process
3853 Requirements for Participation
3854 Application Requirements
3854.1 Mental Health Loan Assumption Application
3854.2 Mental Health Loan Assumption Agreement
3856 Participation Compliance |