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Back to February 2022 Stakeholder Communications Update

Behavioral Health Stakeholder Advisory Committee (BH-SAC) and Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting

On February 17, DHCS hosted the BH-SAC and SAC meeting via webinar. During the joint meeting for SAC and BH-SAC, agenda items included a briefing on the CalAIM Section 1115 demonstration and CalAIM Section 1915(b) waiver. This briefing reviewed the approved initiatives and components included in the CalAIM demonstration and waiver, provided an update on pending CalAIM waiver requests, and provided an opportunity for the public to offer comment on the progress of the demonstration. The meeting also included an update on the quality/equity roadmap measures and metrics. Additionally, the meeting included Director's updates on the Governor's proposed 2022-23 budget, Medi-Cal Rx implementation, and the Medi-Cal managed care procurement and RFP release. The BH-SAC meeting included updates on contingency management and the behavioral health assessment report.

Meeting materials for the SAC and BH-SAC meetings are available on the DHCS website. Please email your questions to or

CalAIM: California Children's Service's (CCS) County Monitoring Workgroup Meeting

On January 31, DHCS hosted the first of a series of CCS County Monitoring Workgroup meetings. The goal of these workgroup meetings is to establish, implement, and evaluate statewide CCS performance, quality, and reporting standards for county administration, as outlined in AB 133 (Chapter 143, Statutes of 2021) for the CalAIM CCS Enhancing County Oversight and Monitoring initiative.

Agenda items included meeting goals, workgroup charter, timeline, meeting topics outline, legislation, authority, background on the CCS program, and the proposed memorandum of understanding outline.

Members of the public are welcome to participate in the workgroup by providing comments and feedback to a workgroup member representative for their organization or directly to the DHCS County Compliance inbox at Meeting materials and additional information about the CalAIM CCS Enhancing County Oversight and Monitoring initiatives are posted on the DHCS website.

CalAIM Justice-Involved Advisory Group

On January 27, DHCS held its fourth CalAIM Justice-Involved Advisory Group meeting. Throughout 2022, the advisory group will discuss justice-involved topics, such as Medi-Cal application processes, the 90-days pre-release services delivery model, and reentry planning. Meeting materials from previous meetings are available on the DHCS website. Although advisory group participation is limited to a select group of key stakeholders, members of the public are welcome to listen to these public meetings. Please email with any questions. 

CalAIM Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) and Duals Integration Workgroup Meeting

On February 24 and March 24, DHCS will hold CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Workgroup meetings via webinar. The February 24 meeting will include an overview of the DHCS Office of Medicare Innovation & Integration Data Chartbook and stakeholder discussion, updates on the Dementia Aware Program and long-term care carve-in benefit, and an overview of the proposed 2023 state-specific reporting requirements for exclusively aligned enrollment Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans. Workgroup meetings are open to the public. Background materials, transcripts, and video recordings of the previous workgroup meetings, along with additional information about the workgroup, are posted on the DHCS website

Community Health Workers (CHW) Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting

On February 4, DHCS hosted a CHW stakeholder workgroup meeting. During the meeting, DHCS shared the draft SPA page that DHCS updated in response to stakeholder comments and requested additional feedback by February 18. DHCS expects to finalize the draft SPA and formally submit it to CMS this spring. The benefit is scheduled to start on July 1. More information about the stakeholder meetings and the CHW benefit is available on the DHCS website.

Doula Services Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting

DHCS will delay implementation of the doula benefit from July 1, 2022, to January 1, 2023, to continue working with stakeholders to further define doula services and their qualifications, develop the benefit, and give Medi-Cal managed care plans more time to build their doula networks. DHCS notified stakeholders about the revised implementation date on February 11, and met with them on February 15 to discuss the revised workgroup schedule. Information about the doula benefit is available on the DHCS website. Written comments may be emailed to

Medi-Cal Children's Health Advisory Panel (MCHAP) Meeting

On March 17, DHCS will host the next MCHAP meeting via webinar. The MCHAP is a 15-member independent statewide advisory body that advises DHCS on matters relevant to children enrolled in Medi-Cal. Meeting materials will be posted on the DHCS website closer to the meeting date. Please email with any questions.

Medi-Cal Consumer-Focused Stakeholder Workgroup (CFSW) Meeting

DHCS held a CFSW meeting via webinar on February 4. The next CFSW meeting will be held on March 4. Additional information about the workgroup is available on the DHCS website.

Medi-Cal Dental Statewide Stakeholder Meeting

On February 24, DHCS will host a virtual Medi-Cal Dental Statewide Stakeholder meeting. The meeting will provide dental stakeholders throughout the state a forum to share feedback related to the Medi-Cal Dental Program, and for DHCS to share important updates and information on new and/or upcoming work efforts. Additional information is available on the DHCS website.  

Telehealth Advisory Workgroup Meeting

On February 16, DHCS reconvened the Telehealth Advisory Workgroup to present the final DHCS Telehealth Policy Proposal – introduced as part of the Governor's fiscal year 2022-23 proposed budget – and solicit workgroup feedback. On February 4, DHCS released the Telehealth Policy Proposal for the post-public health emergency period. AB 133 (Chapter 143, Statutes of 2021) required DHCS to convene an advisory group of consultants, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders to provide recommendations to DHCS in establishing and adopting billing/coding and utilization management protocols for telehealth in the Medi-Cal program. The final Telehealth Policy Proposal takes into account input received through the Telehealth Advisory Workgroup process. Additional information is available on the DHCS website.

Tribes and Indian Health Program Representatives Meeting 

On February 24, DHCS will host a virtual meeting for Tribes and Indian Health Program representatives. The invitation and webinar registration information are posted on the DHCS website.

Last modified date: 2/24/2022 9:29 AM