DHCS Stakeholder News - February 17, 2023
Top News
DHCS Launches New Medi-Cal Member Advisory Committee
DHCS recognizes that members should be included as active participants in informing and designing DHCS' programs. Medi-Cal members represent a diversity of demographic and lived experiences that are not currently matched at the provider, plan, or state government level. Actively incorporating member perspectives into Medi-Cal program development is essential to furthering health equity and is a core goal of the DHCS
Comprehensive Quality Strategy.
Therefore, DHCS is proud to announce the creation of the Medi-Cal Member Advisory Committee* (MMAC). The Committee will provide a dedicated space for Medi-Cal members to directly provide input to DHCS' Director and leadership. It will also bolster member representation in DHCS' stakeholder engagement efforts. The Committee will be comprised entirely of Medi-Cal members and family caregivers, and will operate alongside existing DHCS advisory groups, such as the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC).
Convened by DHCS and co-designed by Committee members, the MMAC will focus on recommendations based on direct experience with the Medi-Cal program and regarding priority Medi-Cal issues—including the development of policies and programs. The Committee will play a crucial role in identifying and shaping areas to improve enrollment procedures, quality, and access to care in the Medi-Cal program, among other issues. DHCS will work with stakeholders to ensure MMAC input is incorporated to its fullest potential.
The MMAC complements the new provisions in the 2024 Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan contracts, which require plans to incorporate member input in their programs, initiatives, and communications. Additionally, the MMAC demonstrates DHCS' progress in member engagement outlined in the
Medi-Cal's Strategy to Support Health and Opportunity for Children and Families.
To select the first group of MMAC members, DHCS solicited nominations from Medi-Cal member advocates and other stakeholders. DHCS will make every effort to ensure the MMAC membership is reflective of the diversity of Medi-Cal members and of experiences with various DHCS programs. Initially, the Committee will include about 20 members for a two-year term. MMAC meetings will be inclusive of members who speak a primary language other than English and will be designed to meet any other needs that allow members to fully participate. The MMAC will meet quarterly, starting the spring of 2023. The MMAC meetings will be virtual but may meet in-person on occasion.
To protect the privacy of the Medi-Cal members the meetings will not be open to the public and a membership roster will not be shared publicly. However, DHCS will post meeting summaries online and will report key findings from the MMAC in stakeholder forums including but not limited to the SAC.
DHCS is also excited to announce that Everyday Impact Consulting has been selected as the contractor who will assist DHCS in the operation of the MMAC. DHCS would like to thank the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) and the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health for assistance in the development of the Committee and supporting the operation of the MMAC for the next two years.
DHCS, in collaboration with CHCF, partnered with the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) to develop
recommendations for the design of the MMAC. As part of this design phase, CHCS conducted extensive research and over 25 key informant interviews with Medi-Cal members and representatives from state government, managed care plans, community-based organizations, and research organizations. A report summarizing these findings is anticipated to be published in the coming months. Also, a Technical Advisory Group of community engagement experts advised and provided feedback on MMAC design and recommendations through four monthly meetings between July and October 2022. The MMAC was created to fill a need identified by DHCS and was not mandated by legislation. DHCS will continually evaluate the functioning of the MMAC and make improvements to optimize the participation and voice of Medi-Cal members.
New Medi-Cal Outreach & Education Toolkit for Kids & Teens
As part of
Medi-Cal's Strategy to Support Health and Opportunity for Children and Families, DHCS developed new Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens Outreach & Education materials to improve member understanding of how Medi-Cal works for children and youth and to increase coordination with a range of child-serving stakeholders. The new toolkit educates and informs families and providers about the federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) requirement. Available on the
Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens webpage, the toolkit includes three major components:
- Member-Facing Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens Brochures to improve member understanding of how Medi-Cal works for children, teens, and young adults; what it covers; and its role in preventive care screening, diagnosis, and treatment. The toolkit includes two brochures, the child brochure is for children up to age 12, and the teen brochure is for ages 12-21.
Member-Facing Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens: Your Medi-Cal Rights Letter designed to help members under age 21 and their families understand their Medi-Cal benefits and what recourse is available if medically necessary care is denied, delayed, reduced, or stopped.
- Standardized Provider Training to help Medi-Cal managed care providers better understand Medi-Cal for members under age 21, including how to help children and families access medically necessary care, how to bill for covered services, and who to contact at DHCS with additional questions. This provider training aligns with MCP contract language that will go into effect in January 2024 requiring managed care providers who work with children, teens, and young adults to be trained at least every two years on how Medi-Cal works for members under age 21.
The toolkit underwent extensive consumer and stakeholder review to ensure the materials met the needs of members and providers in Medi-Cal. Based on consumer feedback, DHCS is referring to the federal EPSDT requirement as Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens in the toolkit materials. DHCS will translate the member-facing materials into DHCS' threshold languages and publish them on the DHCS
Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens webpage.
DHCS will host a
webinar on the toolkit (advance registration required) on March 1, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. All interested stakeholders are encouraged to participate (register in advance here). DHCS will also share these materials broadly with providers, consumers, and stakeholders in the coming days.
Program Updates
DHCS: Medi-Cal Member Outreach Letter
On February 17, DHCS began mailing an outreach letter to approximately eight million Medi-Cal members to inform them of the steps they must take to minimize their risk of losing their Medi-Cal health coverage. The letter encourages Medi-Cal members to provide their local county office with updated information if it has changed. The letter is translated into all Medi-Cal threshold languages and will be mailed to the recipient in their preferred language, as well as in alternate formats for those who have selected their preferred format.
On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 was enacted. This delinked the continuous coverage requirement for Medicaid (Medi-Cal from the COVID-19 public health emergency and established a March 31, 2023, end date to the continuous coverage requirement. As a result, the unwinding period will begin April 1, 2023, with annual renewal processes resuming for all Medi-Cal members.
California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS) Wave Two Migration and Upcoming Disruptions
On February 27, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, and Tulare counties will join the 42 counties that make up the CalSAWS consortium. The existing CalWIN system will be unavailable to the migrating counties beginning at 5 p.m. on February 23 until Contra Costa, Santa Clara, and Tulare counties are active in CalSAWS on February 27 at 7:30 a.m. The CalSAWS system will be unavailable to the 42 counties beginning at 3 p.m. on February 24 and will be back online on Monday February 27, at 7:30 a.m., along with the migrating counties.
The statewide application portal – BenefitsCal – will not be available on February 26 at 8 p.m. and will be available to the public and community-based organizations on February 27. There should be no disruption to the other 13 CalWIN counties during this time period.
Recovery Incentives Program – Training Update
On February 15, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) launched the first Recovery Incentives Program Implementation Training (Part I) for contingency management (CM) coordinators and CM supervisors. Part II of the training will be offered starting on February 28, and additional training dates are available on a rolling basis. CM coordinators and supervisors in participating Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System counties and provider sites must complete the two-part implementation training designed to provide a detailed overview of the program for treating individuals living with a stimulant use disorder.
For questions about the upcoming training schedule, please email
RecoveryIncentives@dhcs.ca.gov, and visit the
Recovery Incentives Program webpage for more information.
Vendors Selected for Consent Management Service
On February 17, DHCS announced it selected three vendors to participate in the
Authorization to Share Confidential Medi-Cal Information (ASCMI) form pilot: 211 San Diego, in collaboration with San Diego County and Health Net; Manifest MedEx, in collaboration with San Joaquin County and Health Net; and Santa Cruz Health Information Organization, in collaboration with Santa Cruz County and Central California Alliance for Health. The ASCMI form is a universal release of information designed to facilitate sharing of an individual's physical, mental, and social health information through a standardized consent process. A consent management service will be used to store and manage Medi-Cal member consent and can be accessed and amended by members and service providers via website and/or their existing electronic health record system.
These vendors will be responsible for designing and implementing use of the ASCMI form and consent management service, in collaboration with a county, MCP, and participating service providers. The ASCMI form pilot will support California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiatives aimed at delivering whole person care, such as Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports, and will identify operational complexities to inform a wider rollout in the future.
Home and Community-Based Alternatives (HCBA) Waiver Renewal
On February 2, the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the renewal of the HCBA waiver for individuals who are medically fragile and technology-dependent. The HCBA waiver has been approved for a new five-year term, with a retroactive effective date of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2027. For additional information, including the approved waiver, visit the
HCBA waiver webpage.
Medi-Cal Rx
On February 24, DHCS will implement Phase 2, Wave 2 of the Reinstatement of Prior Authorizations (PAs) and Retirement of the Transition Policy. PA requirements will be reinstated for
46 additional Standard Therapeutic Classes, including medical supplies, for new start prescriptions for members ages 22 and older. “New starts" are defined as new therapies or medications not previously prescribed to a member during the 15-month lookback period. Medi-Cal Rx will continue to use PA and claims data to allow for grandfathering of previously approved PAs until Phase 3 of Reinstatement.
ATTENTION E-Transfer MOVEit Users: DHCS Adding Additional Security Step to Protect Confidential Files
DHCS is improving the security of files and data shared through the E-Transfer MOVEit website. This change will affect users who use the website to transfer confidential files and data. In order to protect these data, DHCS is adding multi-factor authentication that uses two steps to verify a user's identity when transferring confidential files. This change will be implemented in spring 2023. DHCS will provide additional training and instructions in future communication updates.
Join Our Team
DHCS is hiring for our fiscal, human resources, legal, auditing, health policy, and information technology teams. For more information, please visit the
CalCareers website.
DHCS is dedicated to preserving and improving the overall health and well-being of all Californians. DHCS' mission is to provide the most vulnerable residents with equitable access to affordable, integrated, high-quality health care, and is currently transforming the Medi-Cal program to make sure it provides the care Californians need to live healthier, happier lives.
Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings and Webinars
DHCS CalAIM Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) and Duals Integration Workgroup February Meeting
On February 23, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., DHCS will virtually host the
CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Integration Workgroup meeting (advance registration required). This workgroup serves as a stakeholder collaboration hub for CalAIM MLTSS and integrated care for dual eligible members, and allows stakeholders to provide feedback and share information about policy, operations, and strategy for changes to Medicare and Medi-Cal.
Background materials, transcripts, and video recordings of the previous workgroup meetings, along with additional information about the workgroup, are posted on the
CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Integration Workgroup webpage.
Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) Youth at the Center Report Webinar
On February 24, from 12 to 1 p.m., CYBHI will host a
Youth at the Center Report webinar (register in advance). The
Youth at the Center Report, commissioned by the California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS) and developed by The Social Changery, calls to action a reimagined behavioral health ecosystem for children, youth, and families across California. The report is foundational to the CYBHI's efforts to ensure that their voices and life experiences continue to guide every phase of the CYBHI's work. More information and an agenda will be available on the
CalHHS CYBHI webpage.
CalAIM Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Carve-In Webinar: Policy Update
On February 24, from 2 to 3 p.m., DHCS will virtually host the fifth and final webinar in a series of educational webinars for the
SNF Carve-In (advanced registration required) to support Medi-Cal MCPs and SNF providers that implemented Medi-Cal managed care coverage of SNFs statewide beginning on January 1, 2023.
The webinar will provide an overview of policy updates to
APL 22-018 – Skilled Nursing Facilities – Long-Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care. Additional details about upcoming webinars are available on the
CalAIM Long-Term Care Carve-In transition webpage.CYBHI Webinar on Working Paper
On February 28, from 10 to 11 a.m., CYBHI will host the
Working Paper on California's Children & Youth Webinar (advance registration required) to share findings and recommendations from a
new working paper about how to collectively work across systems and sectors to better serve children, and create a more coordinated, equitable, and youth-centered behavioral health system for youth and families. More information and an agenda will be available on the
CalHHS website.
Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens Outreach & Education Toolkit Webinar
On March 1, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., DHCS is hosting a webinar (advance registration required) focused on the recently published Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens Outreach & Education Toolkit. The federal and state requirement, EPSDT, gives children, teens, and young adults from birth to age 21 access to preventive and medically necessary treatment services. DHCS developed the toolkit to promote understanding of and access to EPSDT-covered services, which are available to the 5.7 million children and youth enrolled in Medi-Cal. The webinar will provide interested stakeholders the opportunity to learn more about the toolkit, including how it was developed; how consumers, providers, and stakeholders can access the materials; and how the toolkit will help advance Medi-Cal's Strategy to Support Health & Opportunity for Children & Families.
Medi-Cal Children's Health Advisory Panel (MCHAP) Meeting
On March 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., DHCS will host the next
MCHAP hybrid meeting (advance registration required) at The California Endowment (1414 K Street, Sacramento). Meeting materials will be posted on the
MCHAP webpage closer to the meeting date.
Proposition 64 Advisory Group Stakeholder Meeting
On March 2, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., DHCS will host the next Proposition 64 Advisory Group (P64AG) hybrid meeting. This is the annual planning meeting to determine Round 5 Elevate Youth California focus areas. DHCS will also provide Proposition 64 Youth Education, Prevention, Early Intervention, and Treatment Account-funded contract and budget updates. Meeting information, including the agenda, webinar link, and additional materials, will be posted on the
P64AG webpage and emailed to P64AG members.
In Case You Missed It
California Invests More Resources in Programs to Treat Opioid Use Disorders
On February 15, DHCS awarded $1.5 million to 20 organizations to expand Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) across California and requested applications for grants totaling $3 million to tackle substance use in Tribal and urban Indian communities.
- Grant Awards: Addiction Treatment Starts Here (ATSH) Equity Collaborative
Awardees will receive funds from February 28, 2023, to June 30, 2024, to implement the ATSH Equity-Centered Community Learning Collaborative (ATSH Equity Collaborative). Entities include health center sites in California that provide comprehensive primary care services with established MAT programs to an underserved population. The program funds will support community health centers' treatment of SUD. They will also work to address, and ultimately eliminate, SUD inequities by expanding MAT care with an equity and racial justice approach that strengthens partnerships between clinics and their community partners.
- Request for Application (RFA): Tribal and Urban Indian Community-Defined Best Practices Program
California Tribal MAT (TMAT) Project is designed to meet the opioid use disorder (OUD) and SUD needs of California's Tribal and urban Indian communities. A component of the TMAT project, the Tribal and Urban Indian Community-Defined Best Practices program will support best-practice knowledge exchange for the enhancement of services for the prevention and treatment of, and recovery from, OUD and other co-occurring SUDs in Tribal and urban Indian communities. Tribal entities may apply to receive up to $150,000 from May 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024, to support the identification of cultural and traditional healing and recovery practices and their integration into developing or existing Tribal and urban Indian health programs for substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
For more information about efforts to expand MAT, visit
California MAT Expansion Project Overview. Learn more about the
California MAT Expansion Project.
Published COVID-19 Information