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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Prop 64 Advisory Group​

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On November 8, 2016, Proposition 64 (Prop 64) was passed by voters allowing adults, aged 21 years or older, to possess and use marijuana for non-medical purposes. Prop 64 created two new taxes; the revenues of which are deposited into the California Cannabis Tax Fund. Current law allocates, after other specified disbursements, 60 percent of the remaining California Cannabis Tax Fund be deposited into the Youth Education Prevention, Early Intervention and Treatment Account (YEPEITA).  Funds will be disbursed to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for youth programs aimed to educate and prevent harm from a substance use disorder.
From the passing of Prop 64, DHCS has established the Prop 64 Advisory Group. The purpose of the Prop 64 Advisory Group is to share emerging trends in youth substance use, make recommendations to DHCS on best practices for youth substance prevention, and provide feedback on YEPEITA-funded program assessment, implementation and evaluation.

Meeting Information

​Next Meeting                                       ​
Thursday, March 2, 2023​​

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Meeting Materials

​Member List

John de Miranda, National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability, Faces and Voices of Recovery
Martin D. Martinez III, Tribal Member, Mendocino County Behavioral Health Advisory Board
Dr. Seth Ammerman, Alliance Medical Center
Lynn D. Silver, Public Health Institute
Ruben Cantu, Prevention Institute
Jim Keddy, Youth Forward
Gail Gronert, County Behavioral Health Director’s Association
Veronica Lewis, Special Services for Groups, Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System
Amanda McAllister-Wallner, LGBTQ Health and Human Services, Health Access
Reyes Diaz, Principal Consultant, Senate Committee on Health
Judy Babcock, Senior Consultant, Assembly Committee on Health
Agnes Lee, Health Policy Consultant, Assembly Speaker’s Office

Marjorie Swartz, Policy Consultant, Senate President Pro Tempore’s Office
Nicole Coxe, Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Brinn Langdale, LMFT, Brinn Langdale Consulting​​​

Contact Us

Please direct your comments, suggestions, or questions regarding the Prop 64 Advisory Group to: ​



Last modified date: 2/23/2023 1:57 PM