Application Materials for Requesting Access to Protected Data
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has a standardized application process for the evaluation, review and potential approval of requests for protected data for research or public health purposes.
In general, the DHCS DRC will not support research that will lead to the creation of a product or tool that the researcher or funder intends to market. For example, the DHCS DRC may deny data requests from requestors wanting to evaluate the impact of prescription drugs if a pharmaceutical company finances the study directly or indirectly.
Please note that there is time delay in the data from when DHCS receives protected health information from the health plans. Depending upon the timeframe being requested, there may be a delay between six to eighteen months after the date of service before DHCS data is considered to be complete. Data is currently available as far back as October 2004.
More importantly, Section 1902 (a) of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 1396a (7)) restricts DHCS from disclosing protected information other than for purposes that are directly connected with the administration of the Medi-Cal Program.
As a part of accessing and maintaining protected DHCS data, DHCS requires researchers to provide a presentation of their findings to DHCS staff. Potential presentation dates will be forwarded to researchers as a part of the annual DUA renewal process.
Please note that Data Use Agreements (DUAs) will now be electronically signed via DocuSign (new in 2018). Wet ink signature is accepted as well.
Requestors must submit a complete application packet via e-mail to composed of the following:
For Research:
DRC Public Health Application for County Requests:
DRC Public Health Application for State Department Requests (CalHHS Data Sharing Framework):
Data sharing at CalHHS is governed by the CalHHS data exchange agreement and the associated business use case proposal process. The CalHHS Data Exchange Agreement is bifurcated into two parts—one master agreement with general legal boilerplate language and subordinate “Business Use Case Proposals” containing the specific business case to document each data exchange under the master agreement. The Business Use Case Proposal includes information such as data type, intended use, etc. The master agreement, when coupled with the Business Use Case Proposal, forms the complete, standardized, legally-compliant data sharing agreement.
Contact your Department’s data coordinator for information on how to find and exchange CalHHS data.
Download the data sharing materials:
Exhibits that accompany the Data Use Agreements (for your files and information):
Please email DRC Application materials:
Electronically to
Note that all incomplete forms will be returned for completion. Confirmation of receipt of the application packet by DHCS will be sent to the researcher via e-mail.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact the DRC coordinator at or (916) 713-8200.