Stakeholder Meetings and Webinars
Back to October Stakeholder Communication Update
Behavioral Health Stakeholder Advisory Committee (BH-SAC) Meeting
On October 21, DHCS will host the next BH-SAC meeting via webinar. The meeting is expected to include updates on the 1115 and 1915(b) waivers, COVID-19 vaccination disparities in Medi-Cal, and DHCS' plans for the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The meeting will also provide updates on DHCS' major initiatives crosswalk, CalAIM behavioral health initiatives, sexual orientation gender identity data collection and compliance with Assembly Bill 959 (Chapter 565, Statutes of 2015), and behavioral health infrastructure planning. The purpose of the BH-SAC is to advise DHCS on the behavioral health delivery system. This includes behavioral health, prevention, treatment, recovery services, and related waivers for mental health and SUD services. For more information about the BH-SAC, visit the
DHCS website.
CalAIM Justice-Involved Advisory Workgroup
In October 2021, DHCS, in partnership with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), will conduct the first CalAIM Justice-Involved Advisory Workgroup meeting virtually. Workgroup meetings will continue through July 2023. Workgroup membership will be comprised of key stakeholders and partners identified through the Whole Person Care pilots, existing justice-involved Medi-Cal programs, and CalAIM Section 1115 demonstration public comments. Membership will consist of 40 to 45 individuals to facilitate a robust information-sharing working environment.
DHCS and CDCR established the CalAIM Justice-Involved Advisory Workgroup to ensure stakeholder input on the policy and operational design of multiple justice-involved CalAIM initiatives that will be effective on January 1, 2023. These initiatives include: requiring all counties to implement Medi-Cal application processes in county jails and youth correctional facilities; ensuring that eligible justice-involved individuals receive select Medi-Cal services in the 90-day period prior to release from prison, jail, or youth correctional facility; facilitating referrals and linkages to behavioral health services for justice-involved populations upon release into the community; and coordinating reentry into the community, including providing connections to transition clinics, community supports, and enhanced care management.
In addition to DHCS and CDCR, workgroup members are recognized stakeholders/experts in their fields, including the following justice-involved organizations: Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health, SEIU California, California State Sheriff's Association, Chief Probation Officers of California, and Board of State and Community Corrections. Other members represent counties, behavioral health associations, providers, health plans, information technology systems, Whole Person Care pilots, tribal health programs, community-based organizations, and stakeholders/consumers. More information will be available on the DHCS website in the coming weeks.
CalAIM Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) and Duals Integration Workgroup Meetings
On October 13, DHCS will hold the CalAIM MLTSS and Duals Integration Workgroup meeting via webinar. Agenda items include a review of policy updates regarding care coordination requirements and beneficiary notifications for the transition of Cal MediConnect to a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan structure. Please
register for the October 13 meeting. This workgroup meeting is open to the public. Background materials, transcripts, and video recordings of the previous workgroup meetings, along with additional information about the workgroup, are posted on the
DHCS website.
California Children's Services (CCS) Advisory Group (AG) Meeting
On October 27, DHCS will host the next CCS AG virtual meeting. Agenda topics will include Whole Model Child and classic CCS dashboards, CalAIM updates, CCS quality monitoring, and other brief updates. To view CCS AG meeting agendas, presentations, webinar information, and meeting materials, please visit the
DHCS website.
Foster Care Model of Care Workgroup
The September 24 workgroup meeting was postponed, and a new meeting date will be announced later. DHCS and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) will use feedback provided during previous workgroup meetings to develop a foster care model of care proposal and present it to the workgroup during the next scheduled meeting. For more information about this workgroup, visit the
DHCS website. Email questions to
Medi-Cal Consumer-Focused Stakeholder Workgroup (CFSW) Meeting
On November 5, DHCS will host the next CFSW meeting via Webex. Additional information about the workgroup is available on the
DHCS website.
Medi-Cal Dental Los Angeles Stakeholder Meeting
On November 18, DHCS will host the next Medi-Cal Dental Los Angeles Stakeholder meeting virtually. The purpose of the meeting is for Los Angeles County stakeholders to provide input on how DHCS can best perform oversight of and guide its dental program to improve dental utilization rates and the delivery of oral health and dental care services, including prevention and education services within dental managed care and FFS dental. Additional information is available on the
DHCS website.
Medi-Cal Rx Public Forums
With the scheduled January 1, 2022, go-live date for Medi-Cal Rx, DHCS has resumed holding public forums. Information about upcoming public forum webinars will be posted on the
DHCS website. For questions or comments related to Medi-Cal Rx, please email
Public Hearing on Enrollment Requirements for Pharmacies Providing Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Services
On September 28, DHCS held a public hearing via webinar to discuss proposed changes to enrollment requirements and procedures for pharmacies already enrolled in the Medi-Cal program that want to provide DPP services. Stakeholders submitted questions and suggestions during the hearing; written comments were accepted that day until 5 p.m. Based on the public comments received, DHCS will publish the final bulletin on the
Medi-Cal and
DHCS websites. The changes will become effective 30 days after publication.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting
On October 21, DHCS will host the next SAC meeting via webinar. The meeting is expected to include updates on the 1115 and 1915(b) waivers, COVID-19 vaccination disparities in Medi-Cal, DHCS' plans for the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, and an update on the managed care procurement. The meeting will also provide updates on DHCS' major initiatives crosswalk, CalAIM implementation, and the Comprehensive Quality Strategy and Health Equity Roadmap. SAC members are recognized stakeholders/experts in their fields, including member advocacy organizations and representatives of various Medi-Cal provider groups. For more information about the SAC, visit the
DHCS website.
Telehealth Advisory Workgroup Meeting
On September 22, DHCS held the first of three Telehealth Stakeholder Advisory Workgroup meetings. Pursuant to AB 133 (Chapter 143, Statutes of 2021), the workgroup meets to address utilization management and billing protocols for telehealth coverage in the Medi-Cal program. This workgroup will be conducted remotely. The public will be able to join the meeting in listen-only mode and offer their comments toward the end. Information about the meeting is available on the
DHCS website.
Tribes and Indian Health Program Meeting
On October 28, DHCS will host a virtual meeting for Tribes and Indian Health Program representatives. The invitation and webinar registration information are posted to the
DHCS website.