Mobile Crisis Services - Request for Information #22-002
DHCS invites vendors to review and respond to the non-binding Request for Information (RFI) #22-002, which will provide DHCS with information to support training and implementation of mobile crisis services. Implementing mobile crisis services is an integral part of California's broader efforts to strengthen the continuum of community-based care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. DHCS is currently developing the Medi-Cal mobile crisis services benefit which will inform materials and guidance related to the provision of training, readiness reviews, and technical assistance.
Pursuant to Section 14132.57 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, DHCS may use responses from this RFI to develop a scope of work for purposes of entering into an exclusive or nonexclusive contract or amend an existing contract, on a bid or negotiated basis, for mobile crisis training, readiness reviews, and technical assistance. It is possible that the entity with which DHCS contracts, if this work goes forward, could be a prime contractor with one or more subcontractors with the appropriate expertise and experience.
You may view and/or download the RFI from Cal eProcure using the instructions referenced below.
IMPORTANT: This RFI has been officially released to the California State Contracts Register (CSCR) using the Cal eProcure/Fi$Cal website. Please use the instructions provided below to navigate to, and download, the RFI. All subsequent document releases for this RFI will also be made to the Cal eProcure/Fi$Cal website. As noted on the DHCS Contracts Division (CD) home page, it is highly recommended that all vendors wishing to contract with the State of California complete registration for the Cal eProcure/Fi$Cal system as it is the official location for RFP/IFB releases. Registration will also allow vendors to receive automatic notifications when contracting opportunities are posted for business categories of their choosing.
RFI View/Download
Step 1: Visit the Cal eProcure website
Step 2: Select “View Event Package"
Step 3: Select “View" next to each element of the procurement package that you wish to download
Step 4: Select “Download Attachment"
For assistance with the Cal eProcure website, please contact the Contracts Division at (916) 552-8006 or by email at
Contracts Division Mobile Crisis RFI homepage.
Mobile Crisis Services Homepage.