Emergency Preparedness & Response Program
The Department of Health Care Services, Office of Tribal Affairs, Emergency Preparedness and Response Program provides technical assistance and trainings at no cost to Tribal leaders, Tribal Health Programs, and Tribal communities. The Emergency Preparedness and Response Program is designed to strengthen preparedness planning and training for tribal communities, ensuring access to health care during an emergency.
Assistance for emergency preparedness activities includes, but are not limited to:
- Development of emergency operations plans (EOPs)
- Recommendations regarding community level emergency preparation
- Development of on-site training and exercises
- Assistance with California Health Alert Network (CAHAN) System registration
- Technical assistance with Medi-Cal procedures during an emergency or disaster
- Recommendations for emergency preparedness training and resources
For questions or to request assistance, please contact Rose Garcia, Emergency Preparedness and Response Program Coordinator at
Rose.Garcia@dhcs.ca.gov or at (916) 713-8621.
There are many
emergency preparedness and response resources available from Federal, State, Tribal, and Local agencies.