American Indian Medi-Cal Members and Indian Health Care Programs
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47. Where can American Indians enrolled in a managed care plan access health care services?
American Indians may receive care including behavioral health services from any eligible Tribal Health Program or urban Indian Health program in the state. You may wish to check with the provider regarding specific eligibility requirements for services. Members can also access the plan's member service customer center for a list of other eligible providers. See the Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal Managed Care online health plan directory for a list of plan numbers and resources.
48. Where can American Indians, enrolled in fee-for-service Medi-Cal, access health care services?
American Indians may access care including behavioral health services from any individual practitioner or health program that is enrolled as a Medi-Cal provider including a Tribal Health Program or urban Indian health program. A list of California health programs can be found on the Indian Health Service website: Indian Health Service Website
49. Who can help if a clinic needs equipment or patient supplies to safely sustain clinic operations (e.g., generator, N95 masks, etc.)?
Indian Health clinics should first contact their local Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC) in their county to request resources.
You can find a list of MHOAC Public Contacts at this link.