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AB 1296 Subgroup: Pregnancy Workgroup

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Assembly Bill 1296 (Chapter 641, Statutes of 2011) enacted the Health Care Reform Eligibility, Enrollment, and Retention Planning Act, which requires the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS), in consultation with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB), the California Health Benefit Exchange (Exchange), the California Office of Systems Integration, counties, health care service plans, consumer advocates, and other stakeholders, to plan and develop standardized single, accessible application forms and related renewal procedures for state health subsidy programs.
Several AB 1296 subgroups have been established to focus more specifically on important populations and programmatic areas . The pregnancy workgroup engages key stakeholders who represent pregnant Medi-Cal beneficiaries and provide important input on meet the needs of these women.  Through the workgroup, DHCS and advocates discuss issues impacting pregnant beneficiaries, DHCS provides advocates with updates on program changes for pregnant women, and both DHCS and advocates jointly collaborate on policy-related concerns that require further analysis. The workgroup connects Medi-Cal consumers, stakeholders and DHCS in order to effectively serve California’s Medi-Cal eligible pregnant women.

​Upcoming Meeting

February 19, 2016

1pm - 2pm
1501 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
Conference line: 1-866-746-9446    
Participant Passcode:  9166982

Meeting Notes/Action Items

Meetings are held every other Friday

Meeting Archive

For past meeting agendas, action items, or other materials.

Last modified date: 10/18/2021 11:40 AM