Subacute Care Facilities
Adult Subacute Care
Subacute care providers are grouped into two statewide peer groups, one being hospital-based providers, and the other being freestanding nursing facility providers. These peer groups are further broken down into ventilator and non-ventilator-patient reimbursement categories. Providers comprising both peer groups are reimbursed their projected costs up to the median, regardless of whether reimbursement is for ventilator or non-ventilator patients.
Distinct Part Adult Subacute Rates
Upon expiration of the
public health emergency or national emergency, whichever occurs first,
reimbursements will revert to their standard per diem rates. The Department
will post an update on the Long Term Care Reimbursement webpage to inform providers of the expiration of the
emergency period and the corresponding expiration of the additional reimbursement.
Adult Freestanding Subacute Rates
Adult Freestanding Subacute Care rates are set by the Long Term Care Reimbursement AB 1629 Unit.
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