Distinct Part Nursing Facilities, Level B (DP/NF-B)
The facilities comprising this category are distinct parts of acute care hospitals, and are paid a rate set at the lower of the individual facility's projected cost or the median projected cost for the category. Facilities with less than 20 percent Medi-Cal utilization are excluded from the establishment of the median projected cost.
The temporary COVID-19 DP/NF-B emergency rate increase will apply to
related Administrative
Day and Rural Swing Bed reimbursement.
Upon expiration of the public health emergency or national emergency, whichever occurs first, DPNF-B reimbursements will revert to their standard per diem rates. The Department will post an update on the Long Term Care Reimbursement webpage to inform providers of the expiration of the emergency period and the corresponding expiration of the additional reimbursement.
State operated facilities shall be reimbursed their costs as reflected in their cost reports, in accordance with the provisions of the California Medicaid State Plan, Attachment 4.19-D, using individual audit data for adjustments. These costs are not to be included in the calculation of the class median rate for all other DP/NF-B facilities.
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