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​Assisted Living Waiver Provider Enrollment

The Assisted Living Waiver (ALW) is accepting provider applications from qualifying Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE), Adult Residential Care Facilities (ARF), Care Coordination Agencies (CCA), and Home Health Agencies (HHA) operating in Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Sonoma counties. Services are provided to enrolled ALW participants by the RCFE or the HHA in the Publicly Subsidized Housing (PSH) setting. The CCA identify, coordinate, and monitor services needed by the ALW participant.

Important note: All providers must be licensed by the California Department of Social Services

For a Change of Ownership or Change of Location contact:

Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly and Adult Residential Care Facilities

The RCFE/ARF are licensed and regulated by the California Department of Social Services and are responsible for providing ALW services to participants, allowing them to maintain independence and continue to receive nursing level of care as needed. The RCFE/ARF work in conjunction with the CCA to ensure participants receive individualized care in a homelike and community setting.

Instructions and forms required for the RCFE/ARF provider enrollment are available on the Enrolling RCFE/ARF webpage.

Care Coordination Agencies

The CCA are responsible for developing and implementing the Individualized Service Plan to identify the participant's needs and the methodology to meet those needs. They will explain to individuals or their legal representative, the services offered through the waiver. The CCA can help individuals make decisions about their choices of living arrangements by explaining the differences between receiving long-term services and supports in a nursing facility or in an RCFE/ARF or PSH setting. The CCA are also responsible for informing individuals about resources available to them to determine financial eligibility for long-term services and supports. 

Instructions and forms required for the CCA provider enrollment are available on the Enrolling CCA webpage.

Home Health Agencies

The HHA are licensed and regulated by the California Department of Public Health, Licensing and Certification Division. The HHA render Assisted Living Waiver services in the PSH setting and are responsible for meeting the needs of the participant equivalent to services delivered by RCFE/ARF providers. 

Instructions and forms required for the HHA provider enrollment are available on the Enrolling HHA webpage.

Application Submission

Send application packet to:

Provider and Facility Site Review Unit
Integrated Systems of Care Division
Department of Health Care Services
1501 Capitol Avenue, MS 4502
P.O. Box 997437
Sacramento, CA 95899-7437

Important note: Do not send applications to the Provider Enrollment Division


Last modified date: 7/11/2022 11:03 AM