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​​​​​Bone Marrow Transplant Centers

​​Per CMS, adult transplant programs serve beneficiaries 18 years of age and older. The CCS Program serves beneficiaries from birth until their 21st birthday. CCS beneficiaries 18 or older can be served by either Pediatric or Adult Transplant Center of Excellence.​

Facility Name​ City Center Number​​​​CCS Ages Served (Years)​
Children's Hospital Los Angeles ​Los Angeles7.19.02​​0 to 21​
CHOC Children's Hospital Main Campus - Orange ​Orange7.19.03​0 to 21
City of Hope ​Duarte7.19.05 & 7.19.12​​0 to 21​
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital ​Loma Linda7.19.15​​0 to 21
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford ​Palo Alto7.19.06​​0 to 21
Rady Children's Hospital San Diego San Diego 7.19.04​0 to 21
Stanford Hospital and Clinics ​Palo Alto7.19.11​18 to 21
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Oakland 7.19.14​0 to 21
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital San Francisco San Francisco 7.19.08 & 7.19.9​0 to 21
UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital at Ronald Reagan Los Angeles 7.19.07 & 7.19.10​0 to 21​


Last modified date: 8/31/2022 1:49 PM