California Breast and Cervical Cancer Advisory Council
Why is there an Advisory Council?
In 1990, Congress passed the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act, Public Law 101-354. The law created the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP), administered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). AB 478, Breast Cancer Act of 1993: California Health and Safety Code Section 104150, provided authorization for California to participate in the NBCCEDP and established Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman Counts (CDP: EWC) within the Department of Health Services (DHS).
AB 2055, Chapter 661, Statutes of 1993, added Revenue and Taxation Code Section 30461.6 (h), established the Breast and Cervical Cancer Advisory Council (Council). By statue, the Council consists of breast cancer researchers, representatives from voluntary and nonprofit health organizations, health care professional organizations, breast cancer survivor groups, and breast cancer-health care related advocacy groups. One-third of the Council is composed of breast cancer-related survivors, advocates and health care advocates.
On July 1, 2007, the renamed Department of Health Care Services split. The Council currently resides within the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). California‘s cooperative agreement with NBCCEDP suggests the Council should meet more than once per year.
How are Council members involved with EWC?
Members of the Advisory Council are recognized leaders in local, statewide and national efforts to reduce breast and cervical cancer incidence and mortality for medically underserved California women. Council members have served as leaders and key participants in Cancer Control Planning Task Forces, the California Dialog on Cancer, Professional Education curriculum development and teaching of classes, the development of Breast Cancer Diagnostic Algorithms, and have spearheaded efforts to address disparities in access to services.
Who can apply to be a member of the Council?
Membership recruitment is continuous. Vacancies are filled and appointment by the DHCS Director from an available pool of applicants. Council membership is composed of a variety of interested individuals with proactive experience related to women’s health care issues such as breast and cervical cancer. See the list of current members.
What type of commitment would I be making as a Council member?
Members meet twice a year, in Sacramento, to review successes and challenges and to strategize and plan for the future. One member is a non-voting, ex-officio member from the Breast Cancer Research Program. There is no stipend; however, members receive a per diem and travel based on DHCS standards. Conference calls are convened on an ad-hoc basis.
Council Mission
The mission of the Council is to advise the Department of Health Care Services how to reduce morbidity and mortality from breast and cervical cancer among all low-income women throughout California by providing access to high quality screening, early detection, and diagnostic services and to strongly and continually advocate for a sustainable source of funding for the Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman Counts program and treatment services. Furthermore, the Council will continue to advocate for these services to all California women.
How can I apply to be on the Council?
An application form is available. You may apply at any time.
Visit the Every Woman Counts (EWC) webpage