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​​​​​​​Drug Medi-Cal Overview

Drug Medi-Cal is a treatment funding source for eligible Medi-Cal members. In order for Drug Medi-Cal to pay for covered services, eligible Medi-Cal members must receive substance use disorder (SUD) services at a Drug Medi-Cal certified program. SUD services funded by Drug Medi-Cal are listed in Title 22, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 51341.1. (d)(1-6). Title 9 and Title 22, CCR govern DMC treatment.

Looking for Local SUD Services?

Individuals seeking SUD services or information should contact their county by using the SUD County Access Line.

Drug Medi-Cal Organization Delivery​ System (DMC-ODS)

The DMC-ODS is a voluntary pilot program which offers California counties the opportunity to expand access to high-quality care for Medi-Cal members with an SUD. The goal of the DMC-ODS is to demonstrate how organized SUD care improves beneficiary health outcomes, while decreasing system-wide health care costs. Counties that choose to participate in the DMC-ODS are required to provide access to a full continuum of SUD benefits modeled after the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria. This approach is expected to provide eligible Medi-Cal members with access to the care and services they need for a sustainable and successful recovery 

Last modified date: 3/23/2023 8:52 AM