Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Return to Office of Medicare Innovation and Integration
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is committed to improving detection, care, caregiver support, and data analysis for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Most individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias have Medicare and/or Medi-Cal coverage.
The Department's efforts are part of the Governor's Master Plan for Aging and the recommendations from the Governor's Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and Preparedness.
Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Among California Medi-Cal Beneficiaries
This workbook presents the counts and percentage of Medi-Cal beneficiaries diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias as of March 2021. The data includes both dually eligible beneficiaries enrolled in Original Medicare and Medi-Cal, and Medi-Cal only beneficiaries.
Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Among California Medi-Cal Beneficiaries as of March 2021
Dementia Care Aware
Dementia Care Aware provides a statewide standard of care for dementia screening in California, through equity-focused, culturally appropriate training for primary care providers across all payers, including Medicare, Medi-Cal, and other coverage. Please visit the Dementia Care Aware webpage for more details.
Medi-Cal Annual Cognitive Health Assessment
California Senate Bill (SB) 48 (Chapter 484, Statutes of 2021) expands the Medi-Cal schedule of benefits to include an annual cognitive health assessment for Medi-Cal Members who are 65 years of age and older if they are otherwise ineligible for a similar assessment as part of an annual wellness visit through the Medicare Program. The annual cognitive health assessment should identify signs of Alzheimer's disease or dementia, consistent with the standards for detecting cognitive impairment under the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the recommendations by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). To receive payment for this assessment, Medi-Cal Providers must complete training through Dementia Care Aware, and use validated tools recommended by DHCS.
Caregiver Resource Centers
The 11 nonprofit California Caregiver Resource Centers serve family caregivers of adults affected by chronic and debilitating health conditions, degenerative diseases, or traumatic brain injury. Find your local Caregiver Resource Center here.
Dementia Care Specialists in Cal MediConnect and Medicare Medi-Cal Plans
Cal MediConnect plans offer integrated care across Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits for dually eligible beneficiaries in seven counties. These plans include dementia care specialists trained in understanding Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, symptoms, and progression; understanding and managing behaviors and communication problems; caregiver stress and its management; and community resources for enrollees and caregivers.
In 2023, Cal MediConnect plans will transition to Medicare Medi-Cal Plans (MMPs), with no break in coverage for members. MMPs will also have dementia care specialists available to members, similar to Cal MediConnect. The specific requirement for health plans can be found in the Care Coordination Requirements section of the CalAIM Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan Policy Guide, posted on this page.