All Programs and Services
List of related programs and services that can help you find assistance, health care services for low-income individuals and families, for the elderly, personal care, specific diseases and children with special medical needs.
Vision Care Services and Pharmacy Benefits
Medi-Cal Pharmacy Benefits include Fee-For-Service Drug Program, Drug Rebate Program, Enteral and Medical Supplies Contracting, Drug Contracting, and Vision Care.
Veterans Benefits Enhancement ProjectThe Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Veterans Benefit Enhancement (VBE) project helps veterans who are receiving Medi-Cal Services obtain veteran benefits they are entitled to.
Whole Person Care PilotsThe overarching goal of the Whole Person Care (WPC) Pilots is the coordination of health, behavioral health, and social services, as applicable, in a patient-centered manner with the goals of improved beneficiary health and wellbeing through more efficient and effective use of resources. WPC Pilots will provide an option to a county, a city and county, a health or hospital authority, or a consortium of any of the above entities serving a county or region consisting of more than one county, or a health authority, to receive support to integrate care for a particularly vulnerable group of Medi-Cal beneficiaries who have been identified as high users of multiple systems and continue to have poor health outcomes.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)Nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy.
Workers Compensation Recovery Program
Responsible for identifying and recovering Medi-Cal expenditures made on behalf of beneficiaries whose injuries are covered by Workers Compensation liability.
Working Disabled Program
Allows certain individuals to become eligible for Medi-Cal by paying low monthly premiums based on countable income.