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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Workforce and Employment Committee

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The purpose of the Workforce and Employment Committee (WEC) is to address the workforce shortage in the public behavioral health system, mental health workforce training needs, employment of individuals with psychiatric disabilities, and the future of funding for workforce efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals served in the public behavioral health system and ensure that individuals with behavioral health conditions have the opportunity to work and lead productive lives.  Additionally, state law provides the Council with specific responsibilities in advising the Department of Health Care and Access Information (HCAI)​ on policy development of education and training.  The Council is also required to provide oversight for the development of the Five-Year Education and Training Development Plan which includes the review and final approval of the plan.  The WEC works closely with HCAI staff to provide input, feedback, and guidance and also to be the conduit for presenting information to the full Council membership as it relates to its responsibilities set in law. ​

More information on our purpose, mandates, goals, and members is contained in our charte​r and WEC Work Plan 2022-2023.

Upcoming Meetings

Quarterly Meeting

  • Date: April 19, 2023
  • Time: 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Location: Holiday Inn Downtown - Arena300 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
  • Call-In (Listen Only): 1-669-900-6833 Passcode: 876​0697

Please visit the Workforce and Employment Committee meeting archives page for information on past meetings.

​​Committee Documents​​​

​​​​​Committee Resources

The Psychiatric Shortage: Causes and Solutions​ – The National Council for Behavioral Health
Last modified date: 3/23/2023 4:15 PM