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​Mental Health Children and Youth Reports

Katie A. Specialty Mental Health Reports

The Katie A. Settlement Agreement requires the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to collect data in order to evaluate service utilization and timely access to appropriate care, and to post these data. These reports provide service utilization data by county to assist in evaluating counties’ progress with implementing Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) and Intensive Home Based Services (IHBS). These reports are based on approved claims data and are updated and posted monthly.

Performance Outcomes System (POS) Reports

The Performance Outcomes System (POS) Reports are designed to respond to legislative mandates to improve outcomes and inform decision-making for children and youth receiving Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS). They establish processes for compiling information from multiple sources in order to better understand the results of Medi-Cal SMHS provided to children and youth under 21 years of age. The POS provides useful mental health outcomes summary reports intended to support ongoing quality improvement efforts and decision-making. POS meeting information, legislation, reports, Children and Youth County Level SMHS Performance Dashboards, the Measures Catalog, and related information is available on the POS webpage. POS reporting on children also includes separate reporting by region and county size, as well as, reporting on children in foster care, consumer perceptions, and other informative reporting. 


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Last modified date: 2/13/2023 2:25 PM