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​​Manuals and Information Notices

Medi-Cal Manual for Intensive Care Coordination (ICC), Intensive Home Based Services (IHBS), & Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC)

The Medi-Cal Manual for ICC, IHBS, & TFC for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries (3rd edition) provides Mental Health Plans (MHPs), Medi-Cal providers, children and youth, families, county representatives, and other stakeholders with information regarding ICC, IHBS, and TFC. These services are available, when medically necessary, to correct or ameliorate defects and mental illnesses or conditions through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit. This benefit is available to beneficiaries, up to age of 21, who are eligible for full scope Medi-Cal (42 U.S.C. § 1396a (a) (43) and 42 U.S.C. § 1396d (r)).

If you have questions regarding obtaining ICC, IHBS, or TFC for an eligible child or youth, please contact your County MHP

You may also contact the Mental Health Services Division, at the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), at (916) 322-7445, or email your questions to DHCS at:​.
In addition, you may email your questions to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) at:

Pathways to Mental Health Services - Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) Guide

The ICPM builds on the foundation of the Core Practice Model, and is a set of practices and principles that provide practical guidance and direction to the delivery of timely, effective, and collaborative services to children and youth and their families. The ICPM sets specific expectations for practice behaviors for staff involved in direct services to children and youth and their families, as well as for supervisory and leadership staff.
The ICPM should be used to guide the delivery of integrated and coordinated services. To effectively provide medically necessary ICC, IHBS, and TFC, MHPs, child welfare and juvenile probation departments, and providers should utilize the principles of the ICPM. Specifically, there must be a Child and Family Team (CFT) established to guide the services provided to children and youth and their families.

Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Training Resource Toolkit

The TFC Training Resource Toolkit provides information and resources to assist TFC Agencies in their development of a TFC parent training program. It includes learning objectives for each of the TFC training topics, and information regarding available training resources that may be helpful to TFC Agencies as they develop their TFC parent training programs to meet the 40-hour pre-service and 24-hour ongoing TFC training requirements.

Information Notices 

​Information Notice NumberTitle​​
19-004​​Mental Health Program Approval of Children's Crisis Residential Programs1/29/2019​
​18-027​Presumptive Transfer Policy Guidance​6/22/2018
18-022​The California Children, Youth, and Families Integrated Core Practice Model and the California Integrated Training Guide​5/18/2018
​18-017​Mental Health Plan Claiming for Participation in Child and Family Teams and Completing Assessments for Children prior to Placement in Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs ​3/14/2018
17-069​Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Training Resource Toolkit​12/21/2017
​17-055​​Removal of the Lockout for Intensive Care Coordination and Intensive Care Coordination and Intensive Home Based Services for Children and Youth in Group Homes or Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs​10/16/2017
17-052​​Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) – Specialty Mental Health Services Performance Outcomes System Functional Assessment Tools for Children and Youth​11/14/2017
​17-032​​Implementation of Presumptive Transfer for Foster Children Placed Out of County​7/14/2017
​17-009​Therapeutic Foster Care Service Model and Parent Qualifications​2/21/2017
16-049​​Requirements and Guidelines for Creating and Providing a Child and Family Team10/11/2016​
16-031E​​Therapeutic Foster Care Service Model and Continuum of Care Reform8/16/2016​
​16-004​Provision of ICC and IHBS as Medically Necessary Through EPSDT2/5/2016​
​16-002​Pathways to Mental Health Services Implementation and Continuum of Care Reform Implementation Updates1/12/2016​
15-036​​Katie A. Settlement Agreement Reporting Requirements Allocation​8/26/2015
​14-036​Continuation of Intensive Care Coordination, Intensive Home Based Services, and Therapeutic Foster Care Within a Core Practice Model Approach Post Court Jurisdiction10/16/2014​
14-010​​Katie A. Progress Report4/1/2014​
13-019​​Katie A. Progress Report9/10/2013​
13-013​​Family and Youth Involvement and Engagement Strategies - Katie A. Implementation5/21/2013​
​13-011​Implementation of Claiming for Intensive Care Coordination and Intensive Home-Based Services in Short-Doyle/Medi-Cal Claims Processing System for Dates of Service Beginning January 1, 2013​5/3/2013
13-010​​Introduction of Medi-Cal Manual for Intensive Care Coordination, Intensive Home-Based Services & Therapeutic Foster Care for Katie A. Subclass Members5/3/2013​
​13-003​Readiness Assessment Tool and Service Delivery Plan - Katie A. Implementation3/15/2013​
​13-001​Reminder of MHP Responsibility for Providing Specialty Mental Health Services to Medi-Cal Beneficiaries2/4/2013​
10-020​​Mental Health Plan Emily Q. v. Bontá Exit Strategy Certification Criteria9/23/2010​
​09-010​Therapeutic Behavioral Services Exit Plan
09-006​​Delivery of Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services for Children in a Foster Care, Kin-GAP, or Aid to Adoptive Parents Aid Code Place Outside Their County of Origin​5/4/2009
​​08-038​Therapeutic Behavioral Services12/22/2008​


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Last modified date: 3/24/2021 12:17 AM