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MHSA Fiscal Oversight

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DHCS is responsible for overseeing the use of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenditures. This is done by reviewing expenditure reports and conducting onsite financial audits. DHCS reviews county MHSA Annual Revenue and Expenditure Reports on an annual basis to determine consistency of expenditures with county planning documents, ensure reporting of interest, and to review prudent reserve levels. Upon review of county Annual Revenue and Expenditure Reports, DHCS is also responsible for calculating and managing the amount of Mental Health Service Funds subject to reversion.

Annual Revenue & Expenditure Report   

Per Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC), Section 5899(c), counties must submit a completed Annual Revenue Expenditure Report (ARER) to DHCS by  January 31st. The purpose of the ARER is to identify Mental Health Services Act fund expenditures, identify interest earned and unspent funds, and determine reversion amounts.

Beginning with FY 20-21, Counties are required to complete and submit the ARER through the Enterprise Cost Reporting System (ECRS). If you need access to ECRS or if you need a copy of the ECRS User Manual, please send an email to

MHSA Annual Revenue and Expenditure Reports by County

Forms and Publications

Prudent Reserve        

Per WIC 5847(b)(7), counties are required to establish and maintain a prudent reserve (PR) to ensure children, adults, and seniors can continue receiving services at current levels in the event of an economic downturn. The Prudent Reserve is funded with monies allocated to the Community Services and Supports component and cannot exceed 33% of a county's average distribution for the previous five years.

Per 5892 (b)(7), counties are required to assess and certify their local prudent reserve every 5 years, beginning in FY 17-18.

Per the California Code of Regulations (CCR) 3420.30 (f) counties may reassess the Prudent Reserve funding level more frequently at the county level, which may allow for a new Prudent Reserve maximum level, based on the most recent assessment. Counties choosing to reassess the prudent reserve funding level must submit a DHCS 1819: PR Certification Form.

PR Balances and Funding Levels

Reversion Calculations

WIC Section 5892(h)(1) requires reverted funds be placed into the Reversion Account and made available for other counties in future years. These reports detail the amount of funds subject to reversion by county, by component.

October Reports for Legislature

Reversion Reports by County

County Reversion Enclosures

Reversion Notice Training Video

Reversion Notice Training PowerPoint

Redistribution of Reverted MHSA Funds

Monthly reports of funds redistributed from the Reversion Account.

Fiscal Audit Reports

Fiscal Audit Reports are conducted under the authority of Welfare and Institutions (W & I) Code Sections 14124.2 and 5897(d).

County Fiscal Audit Reports                                                                                         

Other Resources

Legislative Reports

Per WIC 5813.6, DHCS shall submit to the Legislature information regarding the   projected expenditure of Proposition 63 funding for each state department, and for each major program category specified in the measure for local assistance.

Reports to Legislature

Contact Us

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Last modified date: 3/23/2023 9:30 AM