Functional Assessment Tools
The Performance Outcomes System has adopted the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC-35 caregiver completed version) and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (California CANS 50) Core Item set for its functional outcome reporting. More information on these tools is presented below.
The PSC-35 is a psychosocial screening tool designed to facilitate the recognition of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems so that appropriate interventions can be initiated as early as possible.
Parents/caregivers will complete the PSC-35 (parent-completed version) for their children ages 3 and youth up to age 18. The PSC-35 will need to be completed at the beginning of treatment, every six months following the first administration, and at the end of treatment.
The CANS is a structured assessment for identifying youth and family actionable needs and useful strengths. It provides a framework for developing and communicating about a shared vision and uses youth and family information to inform planning, support decisions, and monitor outcomes.
Providers will complete the CANS (California CANS) form (dated October 24, 2017) through a collaborative process which includes children ages 6 and youth up to age 20, and their caregivers (at a minimum). The CANS version being used is the CANS Core Item set. The CANS will need to be completed at the beginning of treatment, updated every six months following the first administration, and at the end of treatment.
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