Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup Meeting Documents
The Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup will meet seven (7) times in-person between January 2020 and April 2021 to help facilitate and further inform DHCS' ongoing Medi-Cal Rx implementation efforts. Each Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup meeting will be held in Sacramento for approximately four hours. The Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup membership will be limited to 30 members to ensure a productive discussion environment. The Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup to be comprised of organizations and entities such as hospitals, clinics, health plans, counties, pharmacies, tribal health programs, consumer advocates and others. During the meetings, DHCS will provide updates on the pharmacy transition and request the Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup provide dialogue and input key topics, such as:
- Roles and responsibilities of DHCS, the Medi-Cal Rx Contractor, and Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans
- DHCS' implementation strategies, tools, and timelines, including but not limited to, provider education and outreach and beneficiary notifications
- Medi-Cal pharmacy policy development, which will include the scope of the carve out, prior authorization, and utilization management protocols
- Changes to existing Medi-Cal pharmacy committees
Post-transition, the Medi-Cal Rx Advisory Workgroup meetings will focus on gathering information, experiences and/or feedback from workgroup members to help refine Medi-Cal Rx processes and policies on an ongoing basis. The meetings will be open to the public, and in-person public comment will be accepted for the last 30 minutes of each meeting. Additional details, including but not limited to check-in and parking information, will be posted with the agenda at least 10 days prior to each meeting.