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​​Proposition 56 HIV/AIDS Waiver Services​

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This program provides supplemental payments to certain services under the HIV/AIDS waiver. These services include attendant care, enhanced case management, homemaker, non-emergency medical transportation, nutritional counseling, psychotherapy, and skilled nursing services. The supplemental payments will be provided for dates of service beginning July 1, 2017. DHCS sought federal approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of a Waiver Amendment to authorize the supplemental payments. The Waiver Amendment to authorize the supplemental payments was approved by CMS on September 21, 2017 and implemented in the system on November 27, 2017. The referenced HIV/AIDS Waiver Amendment proposal can be found on the California Department of Public Health AIDS Medi-Cal Waiver Program webpage.​
Last modified date: 3/23/2021 9:43 AM