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​​​​​​​​​​Public Hospital Redesign & Incentives in Medi-Cal Program

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The Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal (PRIME) program will build upon the foundational delivery system transformation work, expansion of coverage, and increased access to coordinated primary care achieved through the prior California Section 1115 Bridge to Reform demonstration. Activities supported by the PRIME program are designed to accelerate efforts by particip​ating PRIME entities to change care delivery to maximize health care value and strengthen their ability to successfully perform under risk-based alternative payment model​s (APMs) in the long term, consistent with CMS ​and Medi-Cal 2020 goals. The PRIME program is intentionally designed to be ambitious in scope and time-limited. Using evidence-based, quality improvement methods, the initial work will require the establishment of performance baselines followed by target setting and the implementation and ongoing evaluation of quality improvement interventions. Participating PRIME entities will consist of two types of entities: Designated Public Hospital (DPH) systems and the District/Municipal Public Hospitals (DMPH). For more details, please see the PRIME fact sheet.

Stakeholder Engagement

As required by the Medi-Cal 2020 Waiver Special Terms & Conditions, DHCS conducted two stakeholder engagement sessions to inform the public of DHCS’s PRIME 5-Year Project Plan review and approval process and engage the public for comment.

Resources & Information

Questions & Comments

Please direct comments, questions or suggestions regarding the PRIME program to the following email:

Last modified date: 3/17/2023 4:56 PM