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Assembly Bill 3192 Program Guide

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Assembly Bill (AB) 3192 (O'Donnell, 2018) amended Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code section 14115.8 to require the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in consultation with the Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program (LEA BOP) Ad Hoc Workgroup to issue and regularly maintain a Program Guide for the LEA BOP. Consistent with the intent of AB 3192, the Program Guide contains fiscal and programmatic compliance information regarding processes, documentation, and guidance necessary for the proper submission of claims and auditing of local educational agencies (LEAs) (a governing body of any school district or community college district, county office of education, charter school, state special school, California State University campus, or University of California campus), as required under the LEA BOP. LEAs are ultimately responsible for administrative functions and should be familiar with the LEA BOP Provider Manual, DHCS policies, program regulations, and the LEA BOP Website.

The Program Guide includes, but is not limited to: state plan and state plan amendments (SPAs), frequently asked questions, policy and procedure letters, trainings, provider manuals, and other relevant types of instructional materials.

DHCS closely collaborated with the LEA BOP Ad Hoc Workgroup and other partners in the development of the Program Guide, and will continue to do so for all subsequent revisions. As new program policy is adopted during the course of state fiscal year (SFY) 2020-21, the Program Guide will be continually updated. 

Last modified date: 12/15/2021 3:59 PM