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​Average Manufacturer Pricing Submission Guidelines

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Guidelines for quarterly submission of Average Manufacturer Pricing (AMP) to the State of California Department of Health Care Services (Department) for National Drug Codes (NDCs) subject to contracted supplemental rebates are outlined in the documents available upon request at . There is also a sample spreadsheet that contains the correct format the AMP data must be in for submission to the Department's fiscal intermediary, DXC​.


The Department's due date is the same as the CMS due date, which is 30 days after the end of each quarter. 

The Department must have the AMP data for the supplemental Medi-Cal contracts at the earliest possible date in order to prepare an accurate invoice. AMP data received at DXC after the due date will result in incomplete invoices. Please remember that incorrect or improperly formatted data will be returned for corrections. Continued incorrectly formatted and/or late AMP data submissions will adversely affect how the Department reviews future drug contract offers or renewals from your company. These delays in submission may also result in substantial financial penalties.

Please pay particular attention to the comments at the top of each column heading of the spreadsheet. The goal of DXC is to achieve a 100% accuracy rate upon loading of AMP data onto their system as it requires this level of detail.

AMP data should be sent via electronic format and/or paper with a cover letter identifying the labeler name, labeler number, address, telephone number and an email address for the company contact person. The Department also recommends using certified overnight mail with a return receipt.

However, it is recommended that AMP data be submitted electronically to the following e​mail address:​

Please direct AMP data to the contact shown below:​


Drug Rebate Unit
Attention: Drug Rebate Supervisor
820 Stillwater Road
West Sacramento, CA 95605​


Any questions regarding AMP submission can be directed to DXC at (916) 375-3443.

If manufacturers have any questions regarding State of California, Medi-Cal Supplemental Contract(s) with the Department of Health Care Services, please contact the Government Affairs representative with your company. The Government Affairs representative can contact the Department if there are further questions.

State of California AMP Due Date Schedule



Period Covered



January - March

April 30th 


April - June

July 30th


July - September

October 30th


October - December

January 30th


Additional Information

Keep in mind the following:

  • AMP pricing data is due to the DHCS fiscal intermediary, DXC, within thirty days after the end of the quarter.
  • AMP data is required for those NDCs that have been negotiated under an AMP based Medi-Cal Supplemental Rebate Agreement.
  • AMP data is required for an additional four quarters for those NDCs that have been terminated-regardless of the reason for termination.

Any additional questions can be directed to your assigned Medi-Cal Drug Rebate Analyst.

Last modified date: 3/23/2021 9:11 AM