Drug and Alcohol Treatment Access Report
The Drug and Alcohol Treatment Access Report (DATAR) is the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) system to collect data on substance use disorder (SUD) treatment capacity and waiting lists.
DATAR provides essential information about the capacity of California’s publicly-funded SUD treatment system to meet the demand for services.
Treatment providers that receive state or federal funding through the state or the county, as well as all licensed narcotic treatment programs (NTP), must send DATAR information to DHCS each month. The system retains information on each NTP's capacity to provide different types of SUD treatment to clients, and how much of the capacity was utilized in a given month. DATAR includes summary information about the people on the waiting list, if the provider has a waiting list for publicly-funded SUD treatment services,
For more information about DATAR:
Please note:
Effective with the passage of the 2013-2014 Budget Act and associated legislation, the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) no longer exists as of July 1, 2013. All ADP programs and staff, except the Office of Problem Gambling, transferred to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).