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​​​​Fiscal Year 2015-16 Cost Report Information

Pursuant to county contracts with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) as well as Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 14124.24 (g), each county must submit accurate and complete cost reports for the previous fiscal year (FY) by November 1 following the end of the fiscal year.  Due to various circumstances, DHCS has extended the due date for the FY 2015-2016 cost report to March 31, 2017.

The following documents/files must be submitted by the county for the cost report to be considered complete:

  • County Certification form (MC 6229): Submit via regular mail or overnight services. DHCS needs original signatures, not a copy
  • Non-DMC data: Submit via the new Substance Use Disorder Cost Report System (SUDCRS)
  • DMC data: Submit via SUDCRS and submit the Excel files via email, regular mail, or overnight services
  • DMC Provider Certification forms: Submit via regular mail or overnight services. DHCS needs original signatures, not a copy.

​​Submission Options

Regular USPS mail

For the county certification and DMC forms (if applicable):

Irma Nieves

Department of Health Care Services 

SUD-PPFD-FMAB, Mail Station 2629 

P.O. Box 997413 

Sacramento, CA 95899-7413         

Overnight Delivery Service

For the county certification and DMC forms (if applicable):

Irma Nieves

Department of Health Care Services

SUD-PPFD-FMAB, Mail Station 2629

1500 Capitol Avenue

Sacramento, CA 95814


For the DMC forms (if applicable):


For cost report training presentations, webinars, FAQs and due date information for Fiscal Years 2015-16 and 2016-17, visit the Fiscal Management and Accountability webpage.

Last modified date: 3/23/2021 8:54 AM