Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program Contact Information
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To facilitate prompt responses to communications from our providers, there are five different inboxes, each with a specific purpose.
Please reach out to us at the following mailboxes:
LEA@dhcs.ca.gov - This inbox is for general questions about the Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program and for technical assistance requests.
LEA.AnnualReport@dhcs.ca.gov - This inbox is for submitting compliance documents including the following: Annual Report, and Data Use Agreement forms. You may also use this mailbox for requesting extensions on submitting your compliance documents.
LEA.CRCS.Submission@dhcs.ca.gov - This inbox is for submitting Cost and Reimbursement Comparison Schedule (CRCS) documents and requests for extensions.
LEA.CRCS.Questions@dhcs.ca.gov - This inbox is for questions about the CRCS. The LEA Operations Unit monitors this inbox.
LEAAuditQuestions@dhcs.ca.gov - This inbox is for general questions about your audit report or previously issued audit reports. Audits and Investigations monitors this inbox.
RMTS@dhcs.ca.gov - This inbox is for Random Moment Time Survey, Time Survey Participant, and moment questions.