Cost and Reimbursement Comparison Schedule
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CRCS Resources
CRCS Due Dates
| 3/01/22
| 2/01/22 - 3/01/22
| 4/30/22
| 4/01/22 – 4/30/22
| 6/30/22 | 6/01/22 – 6/30/22
2016-17 | 8/31/22
| 8/01/22 – 8/31/22
2017-18 | 10/31/22
| 10/01/22 – 10/31/22
2018-19 | 1/31/23 | 1/01/23 – 1/31/23
| 3/01/23
| 2/01/23 – 3/01/23
| 3/01/24
| 2/01/24 - 3/01/24
Medi-Cal Eligibility Ratio (MER) for the SFY 2022-23 CRCS Report
The MER is calculated annually and used to apportion cost to the Medi‑Cal Program. To calculate the MER for the SFY 2022-23 CRCS (due March 1, 2024), LEA BOP Providers must use the following methodology:
Numerator (Number of Medi-Cal
Enrolled Students who are qualified to receive federal financial participation
in October 2022): Report the
unduplicated count of Medi-Cal enrolled students who are eligible for federal
financial participation (FFP) in October 2022. The number of Medi-Cal enrolled
students who are FFP qualified will be determined by each LEA based on the
Medi-Cal Data Match Transfer System (MOVEit) eligibility confirmation results.
Denominator (Total Number of Students Enrolled in the LEA): Report the unduplicated count of all students enrolled in the LEA. LEA Providers must obtain enrollment data as of the first Wednesday in October (October 5, 2022).
MER for the CRCS Reports for SFYs 2015-16 through 2018-19
Policy and Procedure Letter 22-001 provides guidance on the calculation of the MER. For technical assistance related your LEA's MER calculation please utilize the MER Assistance Form.
CRCS Forms
Below are CRCS forms for State Fiscal Years (SFY) 2009-10 through 2019-20. Note that the link to the CRCS and Certification of Zero Reimbursements for SFY 2013-14 is currently unavailable. Please contact the LEA BOP directly at to request those documents.